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Contact: Ele Snow 01427 676606
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 270 KB Meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 30 March 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 30 March 2021 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Members' Declarations of Interest Members may make any declarations of interest at this point and may also make them at any point during the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this stage of the meeting. |
Matters Arising Schedule There are no outstanding Matters Arising from previous meetings. Additional documents: Minutes: The Democratic and Civic Officer confirmed there were no outstanding matters arising. |
Overview and Scrutiny Operating Methodology PDF 33 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Democratic and Civic Officer introduced the first report of the evening, with the purpose of agreeing the Operating Methodology for the new civic year. She explained that the methodology set out criteria for when any item could be called in for scrutiny either as an ongoing project, poor performance or for predecision scrutiny and that this approach had generally worked well and allowed the Committee to invite organisations that provided services within the District for discussions around issues of concern for Members. She stated that the current version of the Operating Methodology was approved by the Committee in June 2019, following the 2018/19 review of the scrutiny function within the Council. It was highlighted that despite the limitations on the Committee due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Committee had continued to work according to the Operating Methodology and the revised version had proven to be simpler to work with. With this in mind, there were no subsequent amendments suggested at this time.
A Member of the Committee enquired as to why only four service areas could be reviewed under Performance Management. The Democratic Officer explained that owing to the nature of such reviews, and the need for the service area to have been underperforming for at least two consecutive reporting quarters, it was necessary to manage the number of such reviews to ensure the Committee work plan was balanced. It was highlighted that it was unlikely that there would be a requirement for as many as four such reviews in any one civic year.
The Chairman highlighted the transparency of the Committee and the purpose of the methodology was to facilitate open scrutiny where needed, for both internal and external areas of concern. It was noted that the Committee was apolitical and much of the work with external partners was conducted cross-party.
With no amendments suggested to the document, and having been proposed and seconded, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the proposed Operating Methodology be approved for implementation throughout the 2021/22 Civic Year.
Overview and Scrutiny Proposed Work Plan for Civic Year 2021/22 PDF 211 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Democratic and Civic Officer summarised the proposed work plan for 2021/22. She explained that the work plan incorporated work items that were continuing from the previous civic year and items that had been referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee from the two policy committees. She added there were three proposed areas of work for consideration, those being fly tipping, sport development and service provision at John Coupland Hospital, Gainsborough. Should the work plan and additional areas be approved, the meeting dates would be populated with work items accordingly.
The Chairman highlighted the need to build upon the leisure focus of the previous year, looking at future development plans rather than the impact of the pandemic, as well as noting the impact that fly-tipping was having across the district. A Member of the Committee questioned whether the focus on John Coupland Hospital was too specific, noting there was a wider district consideration in terms of community healthcare. It was felt that by inviting representatives from the hospital, the wider district concerns would lead on from that initial contact.
There was discussion regarding the success of virtual meetings throughout the pandemic and whether the Committee could include work to lobby for permanent changes, enabling meetings to be held virtually should it be necessary. Visiting Member Councillor T. Young added that the Government had called for evidence from Local Authorities regarding the issue. Members also noted comments had been made at the Members’ Forum along similar lines.
The Committee made suggestions as to how the work plan could be populated, such as prioritising the health focus, and, with no further comments, having been proposed and seconded, it was
RESOLVED that the proposed areas of work for the 2021/22 civic year be approved.
Additional documents: Minutes: The contents of the Forward Plan were NOTED. |