Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Marshall's Yard, Gainsborough, DN21 2NA

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Public Participation Period

Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation.  Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each.

Additional documents:


There were no public speakers.


To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 213 KB

i)      Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 12 June 2024, previously circulated.

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 12 June 2024, be confirmed and signed as an accurate record.



Declarations of Interest

Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.


Additional documents:


Councillor Carless declared an interest in application 144062 as a ward Member for Scotter and Blyton, and explained she would consider the application with an open mind.


Councillor Fleetwood declared an interest in application 148255 as a County Councillor of the villages surrounding Lissington.


Councillor Dobbie declared an interest in application 147958 as the application had been discussed as a Gainsborough Town Council meeting he had been present at, and he would consider the application with an open mind.


Update on Government/Local Changes in Planning Policy


Note – the status of Neighbourhood Plans in the District may be found via this link


Additional documents:


Members heard from the Development Management Team Manager that a new Planning and Infrastructure Bill was announced in the King’s speech to ‘get Britain building, including through planning reform, as they seek to accelerate delivery of high-quality infrastructure and housing.’ In a statement from the cabinet office, the Bill would aim to ‘speed up and streamline the planning process’ to build more homes of all tenures and accelerate the delivery of major infrastructure projects. It claimed that by enabling democratic engagement with how, not if, homes and infrastructure are built, the major brakes on the planning system would be addressed to support sustainable growth.


The new Chancellor Rachel Reeves had outlined a series of planning changes to be rolled out and said the government would ‘reform the National Planning Policy Framework [NPPF], consulting on a new growth-focussed approach to the planning system before the end of the month, including restoring mandatory housing targets.

She also confirmed a manifesto commitment to ‘support local authorities with 300 additional planning officers across the country’. The government had issued a revision to the NPPF to remove what it called a ‘de facto ban’ on onshore wind schemes to ensure they were treated the same as other energy projects. It had also promised to consult on bringing larger onshore wind projects back into the streamlined major infrastructure planning regime. 



148255 - White Hart Inn Linwood Road Lissington Lincoln LN3 5AE pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Planning application for the change of use from public house to 1no. dwelling - resub of 146710

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The Case Officer explained there were no updates to the report since publication and delivered his presentation. He displayed the site location plan, photographs of the site and neighbouring dwellings, satellite photographs, and photographs of the car park from a North perspective off Linwood Road and to the South of the current beer garden. The Case Officer explained that the external changes would consist of removal of signage and a continuation of the picket fence across the car park, which would leave access for the two dwellings accessed through car park as well as the Maltings residence.


Mrs Redstone addressed the Committee and gave background to Members that she moved to Lissington and purchased the pub in the Covid-19 Pandemic and renovated the property. Following renovations, the pub was opened, and business was buoyant for the first few months and had become quiet. With the cost-of-living crisis, running costs for alcohol, food, utility bills and wages had impacted the owners, and the business was no longer viable. The owners had marketed the pub and ran local events such as quiz nights and approached the Parish Council. They had tried to sell the pub as a business and had received no interest or offers from potential buyers.


Mr Robinson addressed the Committee in objection to the application and explained he represented the White Hart Community Group. He shared that the previous owner had demonstrated the pub’s viability from his turnover in 2020. The current owners had closed the pub for months and it was felt the sale price was unrealistic given the property’s proposed change of use. He explained that there were financial backers proposing to purchase the pub to keep in the community. Mr Robinson urged for the pub not to close as a community asset to Lissington, and for the owners to work with the community group to make the pub thrive.


Councillor Bunney clarified he was not a Ward Member for Lissington, but residents of his ward from surrounding villages had used the pub. It was felt the closure of the only pub in Lissington would have a detrimental effect on the social life of residents and impact the welfare of the community. He empathised with the owners given the economic pressure and impact of Covid-19 on managing and running a public house.


Officers responded to comments made by speakers and explained there had been no evidence of the profitability of the public house from previous owners, and the pub was purchased from administration by the current owners. There was no knowledge of any financial backers from the White Hart Community Group.


Members discussed the application and expressed their surprise that a parish council had not been arranged to discuss the closure of the pub. Members felt it was disappointing to hear of another pub closure, but expressed sympathy given the financial concerns and need for pubs to reinvent themselves to remain viable.


Officers responded to Member comments and explained the application had put forward for change of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 125.


147461 - Land off Bridle Way Market Rasen LN8 3ZT pdf icon PDF 270 KB

Planning application to erect 2no. dwellings.

Additional documents:


Members heard that there had been no further representations received by Planning Officers since the report had been published. Discussion regarding the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) conditions had taken place, and it was agreed there would be a requirement to secure 10% BNG with a combination of on-site and registered off-site BNG to meet the current legislation. The movement of the hedgerows would require mitigation as there was great crested newts in the area and condition 3 had been amended to reflect this.


In terms of access, the development site would be accessed off Bridle Way and the two properties would be Dorma style in character, and there was a proposal for modified grassland and mixed shrub. Site photographs showing the site and access were displayed.


The Chairman thanked the Planning Officer and advised the Committee there were two registered speakers on this item.


Reverend Diana E Carroll addressed the Committee on behalf of Bridle Way residents and expressed their concerns objecting to the development. They felt that the planning conditions did not adequately address the ecology of the site and did not take into account equality concerns relating to access to the site. She referred to the previous development where extensive landscaping and planting in front gardens had not taken place as outlined. Assurance was sought from planning officers to make sure that conditions were adhered to. There were accessibility and safety concerns as there was no pavement for pedestrian and wheelchair users on Bridle Way with the oncoming construction traffic gaining access to the site.


Councillor Stephen Bunney addressed the Committee in his capacity as Ward Member and a Member of Market Rasen Town Council. He explained the proposed dwellings were part of the Ridings original development which were single storey bungalows and the Dorma style was not in character with the rest of the site. He also expressed environmental and flooding concerns, particularly with the proposed pond.


The Development Management Team Manager responded to comments, and explained that ecology had been raised and addressed in the report and Planning Policy had made it mandatory for provision for BNG. With the great crested newts on site, the pond was deemed as the appropriate habitat. In relation to comments made on accessibility and equality, the construction management plan would address this as it formed a part of building regulations.


Members debated the application, and it was proposed and seconded that a site visit to view the character of the development and consider the highways and access to the site was needed.


Upon the vote, there was 5 votes for and 5 votes against a site visit. The Chairman used his casting vote in favour of a site visit.


RESOLVED that the application be deferred for a site visit to be held, to afford Members a greater understanding of the potential development site including the character of the area, highways and access to the site.






144062 - Land West of North Moor Road Scotter Gainsborough DN21 3HT pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Planning application to erect 8no. dwellings.


Additional documents:


The Case Officer delivered his presentation and explained that the application was for 8 dwellings which were part of an allocated site. The original development was for 51 dwellings, and 43 were determined under reserved matters and the applicant was proposing to use some of the allocated site to meet the indicated numbers. The applicant had agreed to the pre-commencement conditions detailed in the report.

The Case Officer showed the elevation plan, external materials plan, driveway finishes and the drainage plan for the site, as well as photographs from different perspectives of the site area.


The agent addressed the Committee and explained that the proposal delivered 8 residential properties on the allocated site which benefitted from the additional 51 units to meet the housing supply targets in the Local Plan. The purpose of the application was to gain consent and update the boundary for the additional space required. There were good design principles for the site, with generous gardens, soft landscaping and ample parking space. There would be no detrimental impact on current residents and conditions to the outline consent would be adhered to.


Members discussed the report and expressed that Section 106 monies should be increased for additional housing development.


On taking the vote, it was agreed that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions set out in the Case Officer’s report.





147958 - 11-15 Silver Street, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 2DT pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Proposal for the conversion of the ground floor to health centre including a reception area, interview rooms, meeting rooms and staff well being facilities and conversion of first floor to 2 no. flats.

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The Case Officer delivered his presentation and showed the front and rear elevations, the window changes, the ground floor and first floor plans and explained that the property was 3 flats originally that had been reduced to 2 flats. He highlighted an extract from Schedule 3 Part A of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and advised Members that the site had provision for class E.


Members expressed concerns relating to the potential nature of the business and location in the town centre. Members requested more information on what type of health centre the proposed site would be. It was proposed and seconded that the decision be deferred.


RESOLVED that the application be deferred so that more information could be obtained relating to the nature of health centre being proposed.


Determination of Appeals pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Additional documents:


With no comments, questions or requirement for a vote, the determination of appeals was NOTED.



Planning Enforcement - Formal Case Update


With no comments, questions or requirement for a vote, the planning enforcement report was NOTED.