Agenda item


Consideration was given to a report which sought to provide Members with an update on progress and implementation costs.


The report also provided an overview of the comments received back from the public in response to the proposed implementation of parking charges in Market Rasen, as outlined in the WLDC Car Parking Strategy.


In total over 120 responses were received during the 28 day period during which the proposals were advertised in affected car parks and the public were able to submit comments, prior to the order being formally made and implemented.


It was noted that alongside these comments there was also a petition submitted, which would be considered at Council.


The responses had been reviewed and categorised into the following themes:

·        Businesses and Shops

·        Prices and Times

·        Residents

·        Town Centre


The Local Community had raised concerns about the sustainability of the town following the implementation of the charges.


Officers outlined the options that Members may be minded to give consideration to as detailed in Section 4 of the report.


However, given the level of charging that was being proposed and the Council’s commitment to reducing its bottom line costs, together with the subsequent need to cover existing liability and maintenance costs, the recommendation was to continue with the implementation of the parking charges as planned, with a commitment to closely monitor the impact on the town for the initial 6 month period to ensure any appropriate changes could be made promptly.  It was stressed that the Authority did not currently hold a large amount of data on the usage of car parks within Market Rasen.


Debate ensued and the Local Ward Member indicated that he whole-heartedly agreed with and supported the feedback received regarding the impact and effect on local shops and businesses.  He encouraged the Council to consider implementing free short stay parking with enforcement in the area as opposed to the proposed pay and display.  Some held the view that the introduction of parking charges in Market Rasen would be detrimental to the town and were a short term fix.


In responding to Members’ enquiries regarding parking enforcement in Market Rasen, Officers confirmed that they would extend the contract with the current providers in order to cover Market Rasen and on expiry of the revised contract, including Market Rasen, would be re-tendered.


A Gainsborough Member challenged Mr Campbell’s view that “all was rosy in Gainsborough” and outlined a number of problems the town centre and its businesses were experiencing.  The same Gainsborough Member shared concerns that parking charges could affect local businesses and shops but expressed greater concerns with the level and style of parking enforcement being undertaken.  He considered this was a bigger risk to the local economy and was turning people away.


Opposing views were expressed by fellow Committee Members, some with experience of trying to park in Market Rasen, who considered at present parking spaces were occupied all day long by commuters and therefore this did not assist businesses and shops  These Members fully supported implementing charges.


However, other Members were of the view that car parking spaces could be better managed by offering periods of free parking, short and long stay car parks etc and that this approach would better support local businesses.  These Members considered simply implementing charges did not support the Council’s entrepreneurial aspirations and a more creative approach should be taken, citing Brigg as good example of where free parking had seen the town and market flourish.


Opposing views were again expressed with several Members drawing attention to the fact that the proposed level of charging did not even cover the maintenance costs of the car parks in Market Rasen.  This cost to-date was currently borne by all tax payers across the District regardless of whether they used the facilities.  The current no charge position was considered unsustainable, the charges were viewed as modest, ongoing maintenance costs need to be covered and residents would be receiving a service for the charges. 


The recommendations in the report were moved and seconded.


At the request of Members, Officers clarified that the matter for debate at Full Council would be the Petition.  Members were advised this was a political decision and they would need to determine the matter presented to them.


An alternative motion namely, “The report be deferred until such time as a full response is provided to the statement submitted during the public participation section of the meeting, and to allow Full Council to debate the petition which relates to this subject” was also moved and seconded.


Further debate ensued and the Chairman of the Challenge and Improvement Committee reminded all Members that these proposals had not been a rushed consideration and were well measured.  Caution was expressed as some Members would like to see and strive for greater equity across the District.  The charges currently proposed in Market Rasen were at a lesser level to those in Gainsborough and this was to reflect the differing offer available in each town.  He urged Members to stay steadfast in their previous decision to implement charges in the context of the wider budget.  Once parking meters had had been erected, more accurate usage data would be available.  The position could be reviewed in six months time and a more informed judgement made.  The suggestion that parking charges were ruining business was strongly refuted.


The recommendations as written in the report were put to the vote.  With a total of 5 Members for and six Members against the motion was lost.


Note: Councillor Tom Smith requested that his vote against the above decision be recorded


The alternative motion was then put to the vote.  With a total of 8 Members for and 3 Members against the motion was declared carried.


On that basis it was: -


RESOLVED that the report be deferred until such time as a full response is provided to the statement submitted during the public participation section of the meeting, and to allow full council to debate the petition which relates to this subject


Note: Councillor Tom Smith requested that his vote for the above decision be recorded


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