Agenda item


The Strategic Lead for Democratic and Business Support and Monitoring Officer introduced the report which set out the process to be followed in reviewing the Constitution annually.  Those changes recommended for approval by Council were set out in Section 2 of the report, and also listed were amendments made in-year and approved by the Governance and Audit Committee, as agreed by Council on 21 May 2015.


Further work was proposed by the Governance and Audit Committee both relating to the Planning Committee and future Governance arrangements of the Council.


·                The pre-application process and protocol

·                The Committee referral process ie the Scheme of Officer Delegation for this area; and

·                Officer involvement in the Appeals Process

Work on the above items to be submitted for approval by the Governance and Audit Committee.


It was further recommended that Council commission the Monitoring Officer, with support from and through the Governance and Audit Committee, to undertake further detailed evaluation work into the implications of a possible move to the leader cabinet model, and submit recommendations to full council during autumn 2016.  However debate ensued on the merits or otherwise of Cabinet models, and the fact that this had been debated and voted upon in the past.  It was acknowledged that some Councils were now moving away from Cabinet systems and returning to Committee led authorities, although it was agreed that the Council’s decision making process could be improved.  Members who had attended the recent workshop acknowledged its usefulness and it was noted that at this stage it was evaluation work to consider the options that was being proposed.


It was therefore proposed that recommendation e) be amended to include the words “hybrid or better Committee system” after the “leader cabinet model”.


The above amendment was seconded and subsequently voted upon.



 Recommendation e) be amended to read:-

e)      That Council commission the Monitoring Officer, with support from and through the Governance and Audit Committee, to undertake further detailed evaluation work into the implications of a possible move to the Leader Cabinet model, hybrid or more effective Committee System, with a view to achieving the outcomes set out below ((i) – (vii)) relate and submit recommendations to full Council during autumn 2016.


The recommendations, including the above agreed amendment were then moved and seconded en bloc and voted upon.



a)         that Council note the outcome of the annual review.


b)      that the amendments detailed at Section 2 of the appended report be approved for immediate adoption and implementation.


c)      that the amendments made to the Financial and Contract Procedure Rules, agreed by the Governance and Audit Committee at its meeting on 19 January 2016, shown at Appendix 1 of the appended report be noted.


d)      that the further planned work detailed at Section 4 of the appended report be noted and supported including the addition of the followings areas relating to section 4.1(a): -


·           The pre-application process and protocol

·           The Committee referral process ie the Scheme of Officer Delegation for this area; and

·           Officer involvement in the Appeals Process


e)      That Council commission the Monitoring Officer, with support from and through the Governance and Audit Committee, to undertake further detailed evaluation work into the implications of a possible move to the Leader Cabinet model, hybrid or more effective Committee System, with a view to achieving the outcomes set out below ((i) – (vii)) relate and submit recommendations to full Council during autumn 2016.


(i)     Speed of decision making – The Council’s Decision Making process allows it to take advantage of opportunities on commercial projects and ensure that WLDC can work as quickly as its colleagues in Greater Lincolnshire  

(ii)   Empowering Individuals – Those members charged with representing the Council with partners have the authority to act and take responsibility for the decisions they make.

(iii)  Effective Council governance and roles of Members and Officers - to ensure the Council has maximum influence and impact with any potential Mayor and Combined Authority to the benefit of West Lindsey.

(iv)  Specialist Knowledge – Members have the knowledge and skills to make good, well informed and safe decisions 

(v)   Transparency – Governance arrangements which ensure residents can see that decisions are made reasonably and fairly.  

(vi)  Accountability – There is clear accountability for success     and failure for both members and officers 

(vii) Involvement – Members are able to set policy and take        ownership of key decisions.



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