Agenda item


Members gave consideration to the first of the newly styled Progress and Delivery reports for 2016/17.


The report dealt with the progress and delivery of projects which were aimed at the delivery of the corporate plan. This report highlighted those projects that had entered the delivery stage and were either off track or at risk of not delivering.  The report also dealt with the progress and delivery of the services the council provided. It was an “exceptions” report and dealt with those services which were either performing above the required level or were below the target set for them. The report would also provide Members with a summary of activity across services.


It was noted that the report had previously been considered by both the Prosperous Communities Committee and the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee and Members were provided with the minute arising from each.


The Committee were asked to examine the responses given to the report by the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee and the Prosperous Communities Committee and assure themselves that the appropriate level of challenge was being made by those committees to the information contained in the report.


Discussion ensued and Members sought and received background information regarding the acquisition of SureStaff Ltd. It was noted that the company had approached the Council in December 2015 advising that they were likely to cease trading.  As the only agency work provider within the town and a regular supplier of workforce for operational services, consideration was given as to whether the Authority should purchase the company.  An appropriate business case had therefore been submitted to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee for consideration.  This demonstrated the potential to result in immediate savings in the operational budgets, offered an opportunity to grow the company whilst retaining profit back into the organisation and safeguarded local jobs.  In response to Members’ further questions, Officers advised that progress, including income generation, would be monitored by the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.  The company would be operated within the parameters of a business plan and progress would be monitored against this on a six monthly basis and would form part of the budget planning process.


Some Members of the Committee were of the view that the acquisition should be more widely promoted.  Officers indicated that the governance arrangements relating to the company were due for consideration by the Governance and Audit Committee and Full Council and thus would provide the opportunity for discussion with the wider elected Member core.


In responding to questions, Officers confirmed that whilst the works on the Trinity Arts Centre roof had experienced a slight delay, these were now nearing completion and the full artistic programme had now resumed.  


A new six month appointment had been approved within Planning Enforcement to mitigate the current capacity issues, this information was welcomed by the Committee.  The Committee placed on record their thanks to the Planning Enforcement Officer for the work she undertook on behalf of the organisation.  General discussion was had regarding the need for succession planning and assurance was offered that there was a work force development plan in place and age profile awareness with the Management Team.


RESOLVED that having examined the responses given to the report by the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee and the Prosperous Communities Committee, the Committee have assurance that the appropriate level of challenge is being made by those committees to the information contained within the report.


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