Agenda item

Setting out current position of previously agreed actions as at 22 May 2020.


Members gave consideration to the Matters Arising Schedule which set out the current position of all previously agreed actions as at 9 March 2019. 


It was noted that all outstanding actions were either marked as completed, or were not yet due for completion.


In respect of the green action entitled “Bird Feeding in the Market Place” the Housing and Enforcement Manager advised that the signs had arrived and had been due to be erected as lock down was announced.  Due to Officer re-deployment and additional responsibilities placed on the enforcement team, the signs would be erected over the next few days and weeks along with all the additional signage that would need to be erected in line with social distancing, as non essential shops began to prepare for re-opening.


It was suggested that lockdown had been in place for 11 weeks and these signs had been awaited over a year.  Opposition Members considered the Committee should be undertaking greater challenge around the pace of such actions.


Both the Chief Executive and Administration Members spoke in support of the information which had been provided by the Officer, with the latter suggesting the matter was being under represented and simplified.


In response to other questions which arose during discussion of the matters arising but which related primarily to the content of the previous minutes, the Chief Executive advised that he supported the comments made in respect of the need for Officers to complete the climate related issues sections with reports to a greater degree.  The Council was expected to approve its initial Climate Strategy in May 2021, and would likely need to make some difficult choices around the degree of priority they placed on “carbon accounting” over financial accounting.  Achieving climate change would in certain circumstances would be at a greater expense and therefore it was vitally important that reports going forward fully reflected the options available, their impact and any mitigating actions in respect of climate change. This was something Members could expect to see changing over the next 6 – 12 month period.


With regard to comments in respect of the Leisure Centres and more frequent smarter targets in respect of wider health impacts, the Chief Executive advised such measures were tracked and reported on in the Corporate Plan Performance Update, annually.  They were also available through the State of the District report, again produced annually.  Data in respect of wider health benefits was not available more frequently and therefore usage figures and income streams were something around which monthly and quarterly targets could be set. Objectives and outcomes in respect of health and well-being and the Council’s impact were reported through Corporate Plan measures.


Regarding cleaning standards, Members were reminded that the Council had planned to put in place a series of secret visitors to obtain user experience feedback.  Once it was feasible to establish such visits, the information gained by these visitors would form part of future Performance and Delivery Reports.  Cleanliness continued to be discussed with the Operator and remained a priority for the Contract Management Team.  Finally, the new Leisure Centre at Market Rasen was on target for completion in June 2020.  The Authority was working closely with the operator regarding handover on completion after which time any fit out work would need to be undertaken.


RESOLVED that progress on the Matters Arising Schedule, as set out in the report be received and noted.


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