Agenda item


The Strategic Lead – Economic Development and Neighbourhoods set out the proposals for the Riverside Gateway Local Development Order (LDO).  The Riverside Gateway site was the first of the Housing Zone strategic sites to be brought forward using the LDO mechanism.  The report sought endorsement for the LDO for adoption and to be sent to Secretary of State.


The Council had been awarded Housing Zone status in 2015 for Greater Gainsborough and the Riverside Gateway site at Carr Lane was the first of the strategic sites to be brought forward.  The site was located on Carr Lane/ Lea Road and was one of the most visible derelict sites on a main route into Gainsborough.  Consultation for the proposal was carried out between 15 February 2016 and 13 March 2016, following responses received, it was proposed that a Local Development Order be made to grant Outline Planning Permission to the site for housing led redevelopment of up to 245 dwellings.  Local Development Order was a new mechanism promoted by the Government to encourage development by simplifying and de-risking the planning process to incentivise landowners and developers to bring forward development at an accelerated pace.


Consultation had taken place and a number of public responses received, which were set out in the report along with those of statutory consultees.  On request, parking had been given further consideration and also the preservation of the Marshall’s Power Station as requested by Historic England, due to the building’s positive contribution to the Conservation Area.


A number of objections related to the aspiration for a second Trent Bridge crossing on site.  Whilst the need for a second Trent Bridge had never been identified in any of Lincolnshire County Council’s study and it had been assessed that the proposed LDO would not prejudice a proposed traffic alleviation scheme for this area of Gainsborough.


Kerry’s Foods had expressed concerns about the proximity of residential development adjacent their early morning vehicle movements however the proposed design had now taken account of this and it was hoped that the potential marina would act as a buffer.


The LDO and Major Projects Officer then showed slides depicting aerial views of the site and the proposed boundary and the future potential residential, retail and open space designations.  A further slide depicted the site constraints.


Members agreed the project offered exciting prospects and would help to create a ‘sense of place’ and regenerate a derelict area of the town.  The passion and commitment of officers was commended.


The reduced density of the number of dwellings was commented on, along with the provision of car parking spaces.  It was felt important to make provision that ‘planning for health’ be built in, with cycleways and footpaths.  The revised report circulated to Members addressed these matters.


The recommendations in the report were then moved, seconded and voted upon.



a)    the Riverside Gateway Local Development Order be endorsed for adoption; and

b)    a copy of the Local Development Order be sent to the Secretary of State.



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