Agenda item


Members gave consideration to a report which presented an initial scoping document, which allowed for an “interim” update to be provided in respect of work undertaken in progressing the Council resolution to consider environmental and other implications associated with climate change. The report presented set out a strategy development plan, as requested by Council and had been recommended to Council by the Prosperous Communities Committee


Councillor Coulson, as Chairman of the Working Group, presented the report to the meeting and highlighted several key points including, the work undertaken to-date (Section3 of the report); the Interim findings (Section 4 of the report) and arising from this, the proposed way in which the Strategy would be developed: namely by adopting the Asden toolkit, which would provide a robust framework around which the Strategy could be built.


Debate ensued and the report on the whole was welcomed as was the proposed approach.


It was suggested that Officers should be encouraged to complete the Climate Related Risks and Opportunities box on all committee reports as this work progressed.  The need to ensure linkages to the Council’s Corporate Plan was also raised.


The planned consultation work was outlined.  Some suggested whilst a strategy was important, there was a need to take action and be more precise about what issues the Council was going to tackle and challenge and how it was going to look at its services and policies to encourage and if necessary enforce change for example through the planning process. 


This led to lengthy debate around the need for Central Government to greater support the need for climate change through legislation; for buildings standards to be reformed; for the planning regime to be over-hauled and for there to be changes in funding to support rural communities, and increased public transport.


There were aspirations to include such requirements in the Local Plan review but without a change in legislation there was no mechanism to do such.  All were in agreement there was a need to continue to lobby the Government for changes.


In response to comments the Chief Executive advised lobbying was undertaken at every opportunity and this would continue to be the case.  The County Council were in receipt of circa £54m funding for climate change and he undertook to ascertain with LCC how they intended to use the fund across the county.  With regard to the planning regime, the Council was duty bound to develop policy in-line with Government guidance.  There was real commitment as part of the Local Plan review to ensure climate impact was taken into consideration, as far as guidance allowed.  Specialist resource had been commissioned to ensure this matter could be explored to its fullest extent.  A word of a caution was expressed in that the authority must ensure it retained its housing land supply, else it risked losing control of such decisions. This was fine balance that needed to be taken into consideration.


The Group were thanked for their work to-date



RESOLVED  that : -


(a)     the work to-date the Working Group had undertaken in this subject matter be endorsed and supported; and


(b)     the recommendation made by the Prosperous Communities Committee, to approve the suggested approach to developing the Strategy, be accepted.



Note:  The meeting adjourned following consideration of this item, reconvening at 9.10 pm.  A further roll-call was undertaken to ensure everyone had returned to the meeting.  This was confirmed to be the case. 

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