Agenda item


The Leisure and Cultural Services Team Manager set out the reason for the report as being the Council’s current leisure contract with Everyone Active (previously SLM Ltd) was due to expire on 31 May 2018.  The current contract included West Lindsey Leisure Centre in Gainsborough, and two chance to share facilities at De Aston School and Caistor Yarborough School.


The Council wished to take this opportunity of the impending contract end to assess future leisure provision within the District and identify a value for money solution to secure the leisure service going forward.


The background information to the existing contract was set out in the report and details of the good record of saving achieved, along with a high level of customer satisfaction.


A thorough options appraisal had been conducted seeking to identify the best value for money solution for leisure provision post the end of the current contract.  As a result the recommended option was that the Council should re?procure its leisure contract but seek to do this with a surplus being provided, or at an absolute minimum that the contract should be at zero cost.  Members of Prosperous Communities Committee agreed this course of action in December 2015 and supported Officers to commence a procurement exercise.  The principles to form the basis of the exercise of the re-procurement contract were set out in the report at paragraph 3.2.


Following on from a strategic assessment of leisure need within the District linked to the development of the Local Plan, it had been concluded that there may be a commercial opportunity to develop a dry leisure facility in Market Rasen subject to a further business case and feasibility study.  It is therefore the Council’s intention to test the market to see what could be provided in Market Rasen with the proviso that this be cost neutral to the Council or generates a surplus.


The schools in Market Rasen and Caistor provided little commercial opportunity, with low usage and increasing costs and provided limited opportunity to develop and maximise income as they were only available outside of school use.  It was proposed that these two facilities be removed from the future contract as they did not support the Council’s aspiration to receive a positive income from the leisure service.


Members of the Committee debated the content of the report.  Assurance was sought that liaison would be undertaken with the two schools, and also town and parish councils, as to the best way forward.  It noted that it would be possible for the schools to run the venues themselves commercially without active Council involvement.


Councillor McNeill proposed an additional recommendation that the two schools be the subject of a further separate report to the committee at a future date.


Note Councillor Smith declared a personal interest as being the Ward Member and Town Councillor for the De Aston school.


Councillor Smith also requested that the Commercial Director, at her earliest convenience, give written assurance, if the Council were to remove De Aston School from its leisure contract that WLDC would ensure by working with Market Rasen Town Council and other key stakeholders and partners that an enhanced leisure alternative would be provided within Market Rasen.


The Leisure and Cultural Services Team Manager assured Members that there was a commitment to development in Market Rasen, and meetings were ongoing.


It was acknowledged that there had been a lack of funding over recent years and no longer dedicated sports development officers.  However the Council still had a responsibility for health and wellbeing.  It was asked if there were any statistics regarding the number of children able to swim.


The possibility of an alternative outreach provisions in rural areas was to be considered.  The research undertaken showed that the leisure market was buoyant and that there were private sector developments such as yoga teachers, fitness instructors etc.  It could be difficult to establish such businesses and the possibility of support could be considered.  The land around the leisure centre was currently being used by a running group, and it should be possible to liaise with the volunteers which run such events.


The amendment proposed by Councillor McNeill was seconded and voted upon: that the future of leisure provision at Caistor Yarborough and De Aston Academies be the subject of a separate report.


RESOLVED that the additional recommendation be included subject to the work not delaying the progress of the Council’s Leisure Contract re-procurement.


The Chief Operating Officer and also the Leisure and Cultural Services Team Manager both pointed out that the two schools were academies and at liberty to do as they wished with the facilities.



a)    the principles contained in paragraph 3.2 of the report form the basis of the forthcoming procurement exercise;

b)    the report be presented to Members of Policy and Resources Committee for them to approve the Procurement timeline and consider the impact on Council assets and resources; and

c)    the future of leisure provision at Caistor Yarborough and De Aston Academies be the subject of a separate report.




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