Agenda item


The Chairman introduced application number 141637, outline planning application to erect 1no. bungalow with access and layout to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications, on  land off Middle Street, Scotton, Gainsborough. This was a resubmission of application number 140488. The Officer advised there were no updates to the report and so the Chairman invited the first of the two registered speakers to address the Committee.


Mr James Mumby, Agent for the Applicant, made the following statement.


“Chairman & members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today.



The proposed site is at present, part of a side & rear garden to 11 Middle Street, Scotton, Gainsborough. The site lies within the recognised development boundary of Scotton, does not lie within a flood risk zone & has no special features or bio-diversity.



This proposal is to erect a 2 bedroom single storey bungalow on the site with detached garage off-road parking & turning area. The only items to be determined by this application are the development in principle and the new access as appearance, landscaping, layout & scale are to be left as reserved matters.


Although the design of the bungalow would be left for reserved matters it would be proposed to build the dwelling in materials which would be sympathetic to the area & setting.


Access & Parking

The access & parking for the new bungalow & no 11 will be off Middle Street as indicated on the proposed block plan. The position of the entrance is to be where the existing electric post has a stay wire. A discussion has already taken place with Northern Grid and the 4 metre stay wire can be replaced with a 2 metre wooden outrigger stake on the opposite side to accommodate this new entrance.


Justification for Development

The host dwelling is fairly small in size when compared with those dwellings adjacent to it with a garden which is much larger and deeper than those around it – this makes the overall plot look out of character with the general plot sizes in the area. Therefore this proposal to divide the plot into 2 smaller plots would create a layout which we feel would be more in keeping with the general layout & character of the area.


We do not concur with the officer’s statement that the new dwelling would create a pattern of development which would be discordant to or have an adverse effect on the area. In fact the resultant plot sizes will be similar to many existing plots around the immediate area.


Effect on Amenity of Adjacent Dwellings

The new bungalow would not affect the amenity of adjacent dwellings for the following reasons:

1. The proposed dwelling & the host property will each have sufficient land to provide adequate amenity space without causing a cramped development.

2. The proposed bungalow will be single storey only so no overlooking issues will occur.

3. There is sufficient spacing between the new bungalow and all adjacent properties to prevent any possible loss of amenity.

4. There are existing walls, fencing & mature hedging to all the boundaries of the proposed plot which will screen the proposed development from the adjacent properties.

5. It should be noted that there are existing examples of similar rear developments within the village eg on Crapple Lane.


Please note that the case officer has confirmed within her report that the indicative site layout indicated on the proposed block plan clearly indicates that the site is capable of accommodating a bungalow with sufficient space for parking, turning a vehicle & external amenity space & that an appropriate final design could be done so not have a harmful impact on the living conditions of neighbouring dwellings including each other and the host dwelling.



There are no trees located in the proposed location of the new buildings.



A contamination “Screening Assessment Form” was enclosed with the application to confirm the current & previous uses of the site which indicate that to our knowledge no suspected contamination is present.


Proportionate Minerals Assessment

The proposed site is located in a “Gravel Mineral Safeguarding Area” and therefore a “Proportionate Minerals Assessment” was submitted with the application which concluded that it would be highly unlikely that the site would be granted permission for mineral extraction and therefore we consider it more suitable for the proposal submitted.



Foul Water

It is proposed to connect the new dwelling into an existing foul water drain serving no11.

Surface Water

Surface water will be discharged into on-site soakaways subject to satisfactory percolation tests.

These items can be satisfactorily covered by suitable condition.



We consider that this proposal will provide a suitable plot for an affordable dwelling within the parish without affecting the street scene or creating a loss of amenity on adjacent properties.

Therefore we feel that the proposal would be acceptable development and would kindly ask for the committees support in approving our proposal.


Thank you.”


The Chairman thanked Mr Mumby for his time and invited the second registered speaker, Councillor L. Rollings, Ward Member, to speak.


Councillor Rollings stated she was surprised to see the recommendation for refusal. She stated that, having visited the site of the proposed development, she felt it was a natural space for a bungalow and that the building adjacent to the site was around the same height as the proposal which she did not feel was demonstrated in the Officer presentation. She stated that she believed there was plenty of space for the new building without being incongruous and that the talk of the village being linear in nature was misleading as in fact, Scotton was rather ‘higgledy-piggledy’ with criss-cross streets, uphill and downhill development and clusters of houses that weaved around. She added that all properties were built at different times, in different styles, facing different directions, in complete contrast to the description of a linear character to the village. She noted the importance of village residents having the option to downsize but remain in the village and stated this would assist would that. She urged the Committee to support the application and thanked them for their time.


A Member of Committee sought clarification regarding a comment from the Parish Council that they supported the decision of Lincolnshire County Council. The Planning Officer explained the application had been previously refused and comments from Lincolnshire County Council had been in relation to the access to the property.


With this clarification, and with no further Members indicating to speak, the Officer recommendation to refuse was moved from the Chair and seconded. On taking it to the vote, it was agreed that permission be REFUSED.




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