The Committee considered the annual report which reviewed the use of the Whistleblowing Policy, including any instances of staff using the Procedure.
The Policy itself had last been reviewed in October 2019 and was due to be refreshed within the 2021/22 civic year.
Whilst there had been no reported cases within the year, it was still vitally important that the Authority maintained and continued to publicise the reporting mechanisms and Officers outlined the various mediums by which such promotion was undertaken.
Recent third party reviews such as the Peer Review and the Good Governance audit have provided objective assurance that a prevailing culture of honesty existed across the Council.
Debate ensued and the Vice-Chairman indicated of detailed discussion the Committee had had in their pre-briefing regarding whistleblowing and the negative connotations often associated with the phrase. The role of the Councillor within the Policy had also been carefully considered, and whilst Councillors would not usually be involved at an operational level, it was suggested that maybe with a Policy of this nature it would be appropriate and as such training should be offered to both Officers and Councillors.
It was also suggested that Whistleblowing often came with expectations including the outcomes achievable, the “blowers” involvement in the process, their ability to affect the process and as such it was suggested that further guidance on such matters could be included in the Policy. Another suggestion for consideration was that of having a dedicated telephone number / e-mail for whistleblowing.
In light of the suggestions above and in line with recommendation two on the printed report, which asked the Committee to consider recommending changes to be incorporated into the Policy for consideration by the Joint Staff Consultative and Corporate Policy & Resources Committees, the following amendment was moved and seconded: -
That the Joint Staff Consultative Committee and Corporate Policy and Resources Committee, when reviewing the Whistleblowing Policy consider the following recommendations:
1) That reference to guidance on Whistleblowing published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills be incorporated into the Whistleblowing Policy;
2) That consideration be given to including the option of whistleblowing to, or at least consulting with, an independent person - for example our Internal Auditors (currently Assurance Lincolnshire) or Members (including Independent Members).
3) That the Whistleblowing Policy should incorporate details of training on the Policy to Officers both upon commencing employment and subsequently at appropriate regular intervals.
4) The role of Members in Whistleblowing should be considered and guidance provided on what to do if an Officer whistleblows to a Member.
5) Consideration should be given to expand the guidance to whistleblowers on the process and likely consequences of whistleblowing. There should be a greater emphasis on managing the expectations of whistleblowers.
6) Consideration should be given to a separate whistleblowing telephone number and email with a dedicated Officer responsible for monitoring and taking appropriate action, Alternatively, if this is already in place its prominence in the policy should be increased.
The Committee did again acknowledge the third party reviews and the positive outcomes reported. Indication was sought and received that the Whistleblowing Policy would be considered by both JSCC and Corporate Policy and Resources prior to the end of the Civic year (April 2022) and would be added to appropriate work plans. It was further confirmed that the amendments suggested were appropriate.
On being put to the vote, the amendment was approved.
On that basis it was RESOLVED that: -
(a) Members were assured that the Whistleblowing Policy in place was working effectively; and
(b) that the Joint Staff Consultative Committee and Corporate Policy and Resources Committee, when reviewing the Whistleblowing Policy consider the following recommendations:
1) That reference to guidance on Whistleblowing published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills be incorporated into the Whistleblowing Policy;
2) That consideration be given to including the option of whistleblowing to, or at least consulting with, an independent person - for example our Internal Auditors (currently Assurance Lincolnshire) or Members (including Independent Members).
3) That the Whistleblowing Policy should incorporate details of training on the Policy to Officers both upon commencing employment and subsequently at appropriate regular intervals.
4) The role of Members in whistleblowing should be considered and guidance provided on what to do if an Officer whistleblows to a Member.
5) Consideration should be given to expand the guidance to whistleblowers on the process and likely consequences of whistleblowing. There should be a greater emphasis on managing the expectations of whistleblowers.
6) Consideration should be given to a separate whistleblowing telephone number and email with a dedicated Officer responsible for monitoring and taking appropriate action, Alternatively, if this is already in place it’s prominence in the policy should be increased.
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