Agenda item

Presentation by Mr David Postle, Wellbeing Service Manager.


The Chairman welcomed Mr David Postle, Wellbeing Service Manager for the Lincolnshire Health and Wellbeing Partnership and explained there would be a short presentation with the opportunity for Members to ask questions.


Mr Postle explained that the Health and Wellbeing Partnership was a partnership between four District Councils having the benefit of knowing the area and communities they worked with and having a level of local knowledge that would have been missing with a larger, nation-wide private provider. East Lindsey District Council was the contract holder with the involvement of Senior Officers and Councillors in the governance of the contract. The service was commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council and had originally been provided by different providers across the county. This had led to service provision that was not equitable and the intention of the partnership was to ensure balanced access and provision of service across the area. The partnership also supported the delivery of other services, such as housing, as well as providing analytical information in order to define and enhance service provision.


Mr Postle provided Members with a snapshot of data and explained that the most common reason for people accessing the service was stress-related, followed by mobility issues. Further analysis showed where referrals came from, down to ward level, as well as age of individuals. With this information they were able to compare not only across the county but nationwide. The majority of referrals were for those aged 55 and over. The service identified needs in order to enable an individual to remain independent. They also offered money management assistance, for example at times of bereavement or other life event. Once a referral was received, there was a full assessment of need as well as signposting and advice. Following assessment, the majority of individuals referred did go on to receive support.


Members heard that there was an identified gap regarding fully funded equipment through social care and the NHS and there was now a process in place to bridge that gap. Assistance provided could include services such as helping to navigate online shopping, or putting in touch with local suppliers who delivered, as well as installing key safes and provision of telecare equipment. Service users could also sign up to the 24/7 response service in situations where they may not have an emergency contact. These teams were based out of fire stations. The service also offered ‘resettlement assistance’, for example in cases where an individual was to be discharged from hospital but did not have local support, a worker would meet them from the ambulance, help them settle in, prepare the home in terms of putting lights on, heating, ensuring the basic provisions were there waiting for them. The service was working with hospitals to create the role of these resettlement link workers.


With regard to the referral process, Mr Postle explained that referrals came from the NHS, adult social care and voluntary organisations such as the Citizens’ Advice Bureau. The aim was to make access to the service as simple as possible with links created to enable cross-agency referrals and service provision. For example, as individual may be referred to adult social care but not meet the threshold for their services in which case social care would refer to the wellbeing service. Likewise, if the wellbeing service was working with an individual who required a higher level of support, they would be referred to adult social care, with individuals sometimes moving between services as their need required.


In addition to the ongoing service provision, Members heard that the team had worked closely with District Councils during the global pandemic to assist with the emergency response.


The Chairman thanked Mr Postle for his presentation and invited questions from Members. There was further discussion regarding referral pathways and how the team ensured no one was left without the support they required. It was also enquired whether the service received referrals for individuals who would be better suited for adult social care with a higher level of need. Mr Postle reiterated the link working and how closely the teams worked with adult social care and the NHS to ensure individual needs were met appropriately. Members were highly supportive of the work undertaken by the wellbeing service and voiced their thanks and gratitude for the support they offered to those in need. The Chairman confirmed that Mr Postle’s presentation would be shared with all Members and requested that he share the heartfelt thanks from Members with this team.