Agenda item

Outline planning application for the erection of up to 43 residentialdwellings (Use Class C3) with access to be considered and other matters reserved for subsequent applications on land between Castle Hills and The Avenue Gainsborough


Prior to the debate Councillor Cotton sought clarification as to Members’ position, considering that a number of them had debated an exempt report, the previous week.  The details of which could not be shared in open session.  The Chief Operating Officer had advised Members that they should make the Committee aware of this fact but that it did not prejudice them from taking part.  A number of other Members were in the same position and sought further guidance.


A short adjournment was sought by the Legal Adviser and granted, in order that he could better understand the position.


The meeting re-convened at 8.00pm and the Chairman confirmed that on the advice of the Legal Adviser no declaration was required and no conflict had been identified.


Outline planning application for the erection of up to 43 residentialdwellings (Use Class C3) with access to be considered and other matters reserved for subsequent applications on land between Castle Hills and The Avenue, Gainsborough.


The Case Officer updated the Committee and advised that a number of slight amendments were required to the conditions contained within the report namely: -



4.    No development shall take place until a surface water drainage scheme for the site, based on sustainable urban drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context of the development, has been  submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The scheme shall:


a) Provide details of how run-off will be safely conveyed and attenuated during storms up to and including the 1 in 100 year critical storm event, with an allowance for climate change, from all hard surfaced areas within the development into the existing local drainage infrastructure and watercourse system without exceeding the run-off rate for the undeveloped site;


b) Provide attenuation details and discharge rates which shall be  restricted to the 8.1 litres per second green field run off rate (unless further modelling suggests 5 litres per second in which case this discharge rate should be adhered to);


c) Provide details of the timetable for and any phasing of implementation for the drainage scheme; and


d) Provide details of how the scheme shall be maintained and managed over the lifetime of the development, including any arrangements for adoption by any public body or Statutory Undertaker and any other arrangements required to secure the operation of the drainage system throughout its lifetime.


The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drainage scheme and no dwelling shall be occupied until the approved scheme has been completed or provided on the site in accordance with the approved phasing. The approved scheme shall be retained and maintained in full in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In order to minimise the risk of flooding in accordance with the provisions of the National Planning policy Framework.


8) Second reason for condition deleted: Reason: To ensure safe access to and from the site, in accordance with saved policy STRAT1 of the West Lindsey Local Plan First Review and the National Planning Policy Framework.



12. The reserved matters applications shall include an area of not less than 7.5% of the site area for use amenity open space and include a formal play area, the detail of which is to be approved at reserved matters stage.


Reason: To maintain amenity and an open character to the area in accordance with saved Policy STRAT1 and RES5 of the West Lindsey Local Plan. 


17.  Access to the site shall be provided in accordance with drawings PL03 rev J.


Reason: To ensure safe access to and from the site, in accordance with saved policy STRAT1 of the West Lindsey Local Plan First Review and the National Planning Policy Framework.



Additional representations had been received from Ward Member, Councillor Mrs Bardsley, jointly signed by Ward Member Councillor Bibb, the contents were read to the Committee in full.  An amended plan had been received and was displayed to Committee Members via the AV equipment, the main amendment being a revision to the access road which was now wider and the revised geometry safeguarded the trees.  The tree Officer had submitted further comments in light of this , confirming she was more comfortable with the revised design. Highways were also in agreement with the revision.  A final comment was awaited from Archeology which may result in an additional condition.


In response to the points raised by Local ward Members, particularly regarding the omission of the land concerned from the emerging CLLP green space allocation, the case officer offered further comment advising that a response had been received from the Strategic Planning Team who had asked that Committee note, that the majority of the original open space allocation, included fields immediately adjoining the site, had a housing permission granted on it and that the current application site had the access road running through it. This was a major consideration as to why this remaining smaller area had not been reallocated in the CLLP. It was also noted that the Plan had been through a number public consultations and there had been no requests for this piece of land to be retained as an open space.


Mr Adam Key, agent for the applicant addressed the Committee.  He considered the principle of development was appropriate given the level of growth which had been allocated to Gainsborough as a whole through the CLLP.  The main access route was already established through the approved development to the west and the development would be an extension of this either side of this spine road.  No objections had been received from the Highways Departments. This was private land and  the current public access had only been intended to be temporary.  However the open space provided for in the proposals would be genuine open public space.  In terms of the style of housing, this was an outline application, intended to be as flexible as possible. 


The Committee then debated the item, and Councillor Boles, welcomed the agent’s response to the Town Council’s comments regarding Executive housing.  There were no concerns in planning terms with the application, however he did express concern that highways did not consider there was an issue, Gainsborough Members were well aware of the current highways issues on the Avenue and Belt.


Officers confirmed that the issue raised by Fire and Rescue was really a building control matter but an advice note would be included on any planning permission granted.     


Having been proposed and seconded it was AGREED that the decision to grant planning permission, subject to conditions, be delegated to the Chief Operating Officer, to enable the completion and signing of an agreement under section 106 of the Planning Act 1990 (as amended) pertaining to:-


·         25% affordable housing (to be delivered on site; and/or through an offsite contribution)

·         A capital contribution (£101,487) in lieu of on site  Education provisions

·         Provision of a LEAP and open space/attenuation basin and on-going maintenance for these areas and drainage infrastructure.

·         Contribution to the provision of a Travel Plan Officer.


And, in the event of the s106 not being completed and signed by all parties within 6 months from the date of this Committee, then the application be reported back to the next available Committee meeting following the expiration of the 6 months.


Supporting documents: