The Chairman introduced the next planning application for consideration, number 142772for extension & remodelling of existing bungalow, and erect 1no. 1.5 storey bungalow including garaging & home offices.With no updates from the Officer, the Chairman invited the registered speaker, Mr Carl Medd, to address the Committee. Mr Medd made the following statement.
“Good evening, members of committee. I am the agent for the application in question and speak on behalf of the applicants in full support of the scheme.
We are here this evening because of objections received by neighbours, rather than more disappointingly the parish council. The scheme presented before you all this evening has undergone a rigorous design appraisal prior to the application being lodged. A pre application inquiry was submitted to the local authority planning department to enable us to interact and fully understand how we can positively integrate suitable design to the site. As such, this is not a cold application, which has just landed on the planning department’s desk without any upfront discussions, dialogue or technical inputs.
Following our pre application inquiry feedback from the case officer was digested by the agents, and the applicants, and the number of design changes were implemented to warrant a robust scheme, which you have seen tonight, and which the planning departments support or the case officers. We do understand that neighbours do not like change, however, the resultant layout sighting mass and design of the bungalows in question are all tailored to reflect the immediate surrounding context of properties along Mill Lane. The case officer has made it very clear in his report how the proposals have addressed the constraints and fully mitigate the challenges which were faced in delivering a suitable proposal for this site.
Regarding the comments published by the parish council. I'll be a little critical here so I do apologise if this offends any officers. I do actually wonder if the parish and town council, based on their observations have in fact studied the particulars which form this application. A number of their statements are worryingly incorrect and misleading. For example, the layout does not respect existing patterns of development. The last time I studied the layout, it was as per the case officer’s recommendations from the pre application inquiry, ie, two bungalows, side by side. Unless my eyes are blurred the entire length of Mill Lane comprises this established building rhythm - dwellings, side by side.
The proposed use of materials do not respect the development context is another observation from the parish council. Again, forgive me, but the existing bungalow which we are refurbishing, extending and remodelling is already rendered. Standing at the property and looking along the west side of Mill Lane, three of the four properties immediately adjacent to my client’s site are rendered. This does not include the seven properties, which are directly opposite my client site, which are also rendered. The proposed new build bungalow is also part rendered and references many of the dwellings in close proximity.
Another observation by the parish council is red brick is the predominant material choice along Mill Lane and not white brick. The proposed refurbishment of the existing bungalow introduces red brick detailing also found on countless properties nearby.
We have not indicated anywhere on our drawings, specifications or 3d visuals, the use of white bricks. So I find the parish councillor’s comments flawed and inaccurate with this regard. Overbearing in size and nature, another observation by the parish council. As referenced within the design and access statements and presented by the case officer earlier on the slides, we provided photographic evidence also of an identical relationship to which we propose, of a hipped roof bungalow sitting alongside a gable fronted bungalow. The ridge line is marginally higher as shown earlier by the red line, and it all sits comfortably in the street scene. So it physically exists, the precedent is already there for the relationship of those two types of properties.
I do not believe the parish council have studied the content of the application fully. I think they've quickly skimmed over the drawings and just published fleeting comments, which are not justified, and hold any weight.
Policy LP 26 of the Central Lincolnshire plan design and amenity requires all developments to achieve high quality sustainable design that contributes positively to the character, townscape and landscape. Our proposals meet all of the above criteria, local plan policies and Neighbourhood Plan Guidance and they are fully reinforced by the case officers committee report. I therefore encourage all members to support the application, this evening. Thank you.”
With no further comments from the Ofifcer, the Chairman invited Members of the Committee to comment.
Councillor D. Cotton confirmed he was speaking as a Committee Member however he wished to refute the allegations against the Parish Council and stated that the application had been given careful consideration. He raised concerns regarding the impact of increased traffic for the already busy junction however felt on balance the application should be granted. The Officer highlighted that the driveway was wide enough for cars to pass on the driveway, the Highways Agency had not objected to the development and it was conditioned for the driveway to be completed. In addition, there was sufficient space for cars to turn in order to avoid the need to reverse onto the road.
In response to a question regarding CIL contributions, it was confirmed this would be arranged with the CIL Officer however it would only be relevant for the proposed new dwelling. The Chairman summarised the details of the application and, having been moved and seconded, it was agreed that permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions.
Conditions stating the time by which the development must be commenced:
1. The development hereby permitted must be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To conform with Section 91 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
Conditions which apply or require matters to be agreed before the development commenced:
Conditions which apply or are to be observed during the course of the development:
2. With the exception of the detailed matters referred to by the conditions of this consent, the development hereby approved must be carried out in accordance with the following proposed drawings:
· 055C.2021.05 dated March 2021 – Site Plan
· 055C.2021.03a dated 27th March 2021 – 8 Mill Lane (remodelling)
o Elevation, Floor and Section Plans
· 055C.2021.01 dated March 2021 – New Dwelling Elevation, Floor and
o Section Plans
· 055C.2021.04 dated March 2021 – Garage/Office Elevation, Floor and
o Section Plans
The works must be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the approved plans including external materials and in any other approved documents forming part of the application.
Reason: To ensure the development proceeds in accordance with the approved plans and to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework, local policy LP17, LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2012-2036 and policy 2 of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan.
3. No construction works above ground level must take place until details of a scheme for the disposal of foul/surface water (including any necessary soakaway/percolation tests) from the new build dwelling and a plan identifying connectivity and their position has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. No occupation of the new build dwelling must occur until the approved scheme has been carried out.
Reason: To ensure adequate drainage facilities are provided to serve each dwelling, to reduce the risk of flooding and to prevent the pollution of the water environment to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework, local policy LP14 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2012- 2036 and policy 2 of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan.
4. No occupation must take place until a landscaping scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Details to include:
· Type, height and position of all boundary treatments.
· Material finish of all hardstanding (access road, driveways, patios and paths).
The scheme of landscaping must be completed in strict accordance with the approved scheme prior to occupation of each individual dwellings.
Reason: To ensure that appropriate landscaping is introduced and will not adversely impact on the character and appearance of the site or the surrounding area to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework, local policies LP17 and LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2012- 2036 and policy 2 of the Saxilby with Ingleby Neighbourhood Plan.
5. No occupation of each individual dwelling must take place until the shared driveway and individual turning space identified on site plan 055C.2021.05 dated March 2021 has been fully completed and retained for that use thereafter.
Reason: To ensure safe access to the site and each dwelling/building in the interests of residential amenity, convenience and safety and to allow vehicles to enter and leave the highway in a forward gear in the interests of highway safety to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework and local policy LP13 and LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2012-2036.
Conditions which apply or relate to matters which are to be observed following completion of the development:
Supporting documents: