The Chairman introduced the final application of the evening, application number 143981, for change of use from former Methodist Chapel to a dwelling to include interior alterations and exterior refurbishment at The Former Methodist Chapel, Wickenby Road, Lissington, Lincoln, LN3 5AE. The Planning Officer stated that there was no further update on the report made to the Committee. The Officer gave a short presentation on the plans and main features of the application.
Note: Councillor D. Dobbie left the meeting at 8.08pm and returned at 8.09pm
The Chairman stated there were no registered speakers for this application and invited comments from the Committee.
One Member stated that she used to regularly drive past this property and respected the comments from the local authority. She explained it had been empty for some time, and, with it being located in the heart of the village, she hoped it would become an asset.
Clarification was sought by a Member regarding the parking on top of the septic tank and soakaways, asking if this was usual practice. The Officer commented that there was a condition, No.7, which stated notwithstanding the submitted plan (which showed a septic tank) that full details of the proposed scheme for foul and surface water drainage must be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The Officer then stated that the applicant was aware of comments from building control that a septic tank was not suitable for the site.
Another Member queried about fire safety concerns, with only one access door into the property proposed. The Officer clarified that this was an application that had been granted previously in 2017 and had then expired. The Officer then went on to state this was a matter for Building Control.
Other Members drew their comments to the potential upkeep that the application presented. One Member commended the conditions as it kept the historic nature of the property intact, and another stated that the proposed application would tidy up the area, with a good vision of the area.
With the application having been proposed and seconded, on voting it was agreed that permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:
Conditions stating the time by which the development must be commenced:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To conform with Section 91 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
Conditions which apply or require matters to be agreed before the development commenced:
2. No works shall take place until a full historic building recording (see notes to applicants below) of the chapels (interior and exterior) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure the preparation and implementation of an appropriate scheme of archaeological mitigation and in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.
Conditions which apply or are to be observed during the course of the development:
3. With the exception of the detailed matters referred to by the conditions of this consent, the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawings: LC2020-02 dated 10/11/2021, LC2020-04 dated 10/11/2021 and LC2020-01 dated 10/11/2021. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and in any other approved documents forming part of the application.
Reason: To ensure the development proceeds in accordance with the approved plans in the interests of proper planning.
4. The materials used in the development shall match those stated on the application form and drawing No. LC2020-04 dated 10/11/2021.
Reason: To ensure the use of appropriate materials to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy LP25 and LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
5. The stone plaque on the front (south eastern) elevation of the building as shown on Drawing No. LC2020-04 dated 10/11/2021 shall be retained thereafter.
Reason: To ensure the use the heritage of this non-designated asset is preserved in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy LP25 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
Conditions which apply or relate to matters which are to be observed following completion of the development:
6. The dwelling hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the two large ground floor windows to the north west (rear) elevation (Drawing No: LC2020-02 dated 10/11/2021 and LC2020-04 dated 10/11/2021) have been fitted with obscured glazing and retained as such thereafter.
Reason: To prevent unacceptable levels of overlooking on neighbouring properties, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
7. Notwithstanding Drawing No. LC2020-02 dated 10/11/2021, no occupation of the proposed dwelling, other than internal repairs shall take place until a scheme for the disposal of foul and surface waters (including the results of soakaway/percolation tests if necessary) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved details and prior to occupation of the dwelling.
Reason: To ensure adequate drainage facilities are provided to serve the development in accordance with Policy LP14 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
8. No occupation of the proposed dwelling, other than internal repairs shall take place until detailed plans showing the location, design and materials of proposed facilities for the disposal and storage of any refuse/recyclable materials, including details of any bin storage, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details shall be available for use prior to the uses first commencing and shall be permanently retained thereafter, unless otherwise first approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interest of public health, residential amenity, visual amenity and highway safety in accordance with the NPPF and Policies LP13, LP17 and LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
Conditions which apply or relate to matters which are to be observed following completion of the development:
Supporting documents: