The Chairman introduced the next application of the meeting, planning application 144395, for extensions and alterations to existing dwelling at Barnaby, 18 Rasen Road, Tealby, Market Rasen, LN8 3XL. The Officer informed Members that there was no update to the report and gave a short presentation on the application.
The Chairman then invited the first speaker, Kevin Coupland, the agent for the application, to address the Committee. The agent made the following statement.
Having been approached by the applicants, they described that they wanted to improve the existing dwelling and remove the current extension, changing the dwelling to be more sympathetic to the area and better use of the applicant's family. The speaker then described that the property's frontage was 30 metres and stressed that the application had gone through pre-application consideration to make it acceptable, which included collaboration with the Council with the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
The speaker then stated the positive effect of adjacent properties that had changed with other development similar to the proposed application. The speaker detailed that the plans for the proposed application had been changed to consider objectors' viewpoints. The speaker concluded that the replacement of a two-storey flat roof, and the change of rear extension, would improve the view of the nearby AONB, and the scheme had been reviewed and supported by the Council.
The Chairman thanked the speaker for his statement and invited the second speaker, Joanne Macbeth, an objector, to address the Committee. The objector made the following statement.
The speaker stated that she was a neighbour and also represented number 20. The speaker asserted the application had a significant uplift, going from 133 to 277 square metres in area. The proposed development would double the size of the property and extended close to the boundary of her property, with a comment that any space would be gone. The speaker stated that a 1.3 metre ridge increase would be a reduction of the light in the autumn and winter in her property.
The speaker then commented about the privacy screens and the roof terrace and stated that the proposed design was too small, referring to a refused balcony design on a nearby property. The speaker noted that the land gradients compounded the proposed design. The amenities detailed in LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan were in contravention if the proposed application was granted.
The speaker explained that the proposed development would lead to a loss of space for 16 and 18 Rasen Road, and had strong objections from the local Members. The speaker concluded her statement by referring to the local character of Tealby, expressing that the village had a unique beauty, with the Wolds necessitating special protection, and that the proposed development would impact and harm the village.
The Chairman thanked the speaker for her statement and then invited a response from the Planning Officer. The Officer stated that the application submitted was not the same as the pre-application submission and that the distance to the side elevation of Number 16 was 1.8 metres. The Chairman then invited comments from Members of the Committee.
There was discussion on the possible domination of the scenery of the proposed development. Members deliberated on whether the proposed design was better suited to the AONB and the surrounding area.
There was also discussion on the ridge height uplift of the proposed application, with debate on the effect of this application's outcome. One Member stated that though it was odd, it was not enough to refuse planning permission. Members also debated whether the application would harm the nearby Viking Way, the surrounding area, and the neighbours' privacy and access to light.
The Vice-Chairman proposed a site visit as he was in two minds over the proposed application and felt a look and proper viewing would be beneficial.
Having been proposed, and seconded and, on taking the vote, it was
RESOLVED that the application be deferred for decision at the next available meeting, in order for a site visit to be undertaken.
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