Members gave consideration to a report to fully ‘make’ (adopt) the Sturton-by-Stow and Stow Neighbourhood Plan following a successful referendum. Once adopted the plan would become part of the development plan for the District and would have major influence on planning application decisions in both parishes.
Councillor Tracey Coulson, as Local Ward Member, in introducing the report, advised Members that the Neighbourhood Plan had been prepared by a Residents’ Steering Group on behalf of both parish councils. The joint plan addressed current issues; it included measures to make development more resilient to climate change and sought to conserve green spaces for the benefit of residents’ health and well-being.
The plan had been successful at examination and referendum, which saw residents voting 88% in favour of the plan. In the wider context, the adoption meant that West Lindsey now had 23 adopted Plans, with 19 in preparation.
Councillor Coulson congratulated everyone that had worked to bring the project to a conclusion, acknowledging the phenomenal amount of work and the challenges with producing a Neighbourhood Plan. Tribute was also paid to residents who took part in surveys given Neighbourhood plans were an incredibly important planning tool for residents in shaping and protecting their communities.
Representatives from both Sturton-by-Stow and Stow Parish Councils were in attendance and prior to Members debating the matter the Chairman invited them to make a short address to Council and present their successful Neighbourhood Plan.
Councillor Martin Cook, addressed the meeting and made the following short address: -
“Chairman and Members of the Council.
Thank you for inviting us to present to you the Sturton by Stow and Stow Neighbourhood Plan. From the outset both Parish Councils wanted our Neighbourhood Plan to be for our residents. They make our communities special.
Our residents were involved whenever possible. We held specific public engagement events including drop-in sessions, leafleted all households specifically about the Plan at different stages, had regular articles in our respective village newsletters, carried out online and paper surveys as well as attending Sturton village hall monthly markets, Christmas Fairs and the horticultural shows. We have made sure that our communities were fully engaged. The emergence of Covid 19 did slow us down, but we carried on working steadily towards the plan you have in front of you today.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Nev Brown from West Lindsey, Steve Kemp along with John Bayes from OpenPlan, Janet Clark from Community Lincs and Ian Marshman from Lincolnshire County Council. Their help has ensured that our plan is robust and, as the independent planning inspector confirmed, in-line with the current Central Lincolnshire Plan. Most of all, however, we must thank our residents not only for their contributions to the Plan, but also for their support.
We will review our Plan as needed and at least every five years, but we now intend to work towards, where possible, implementing the aspirations for Sturton by Stow and Stow that our residents identified and that are set out in the Community Aspirations appendix to the Plan. Working on the Plan has not only illustrated the separate identities of our two parishes, but also that which we have in common and the opportunities that gives us to work together to further enhance the lives of the people that live and work here.
Thank you for your time this evening.”
The Chairman of Council then formally received the Plan from Councillor Cook and Councillor Duncan.
Members across the floor congratulated and applauded the Group on their remarkable achievement with some Members speaking of the honour and pleasure, former ward Member Councillor Reg Shore, would have taken from seeing the Parishes succeed.
Having been moved and seconded it was: -
RESOLVED that the Sturton-by-Stow and Stow Neighbourhood Plan Neighbourhood Plan be adopted and made.
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