The Chairman of the Governance and Audit Committee presented the report to Members which stood on recommendation from his Committee. Council were advised that following the decision made at its Annual Meeting, concern had been expressed by serving Members of the Governance and Audit Committee, that the resolved start time (2pm) of the Committee would see difficulty arise for some Members to attend, and as such the Committee had considered this matter further at its meeting on 14 June and had made a revised recommendation which sought to rescind Council’s previous decision.
Having been proposed and seconded, prior to opening the matter for the debate, at the request of the Chairman, the Monitoring Officer addressed the meeting advising that procedure 13/1 – rescinding Council and Committee decisions, applied to this report. Given there were only two routes by which to vary a Council decision, amendments were not permitted. Members could choose to either vote for the recommendation presented or against, confirming the Council's original decision would remain if the recommendation from the Committee was not supported.
Councillors who had previously raised concerns at the Committee meeting at 10am again spoke against the recommendation, outlining all those concerns previously raised, and the points which had been raised as a Question to Council previously.
A Member requested a recorded vote, with the request duly being seconded.
Similar counter-arguments to those which had previously been expressed were repeated, when it was noted by some Members, that those Councillors voicing most objection did not serve on the Committee, and as such they considered the needs of the Members’ appointed to serve on the Committee needed to be considered as a priority.
Councillor Dobbie raised a Point of information, to correct information given to the Chamber, by advising the reason he did not serve on the Committee was due to the timing having been changed from December 2021.
In response to questions, the Chairman of the Governance and Audit Committee again outlined the reasons the start times were being reconsidered. The matter had been given full consideration by his Committee at their meeting in June, the proceedings were available to view, and whilst some Members had abstained it had been a unanimous decision in favour.
With points being repeated and Councillors being very clear on their position the Chairman indicated the vote would be taken. Members continued to vocalise their views, with debate becoming heated, and the Chairman’s ruling not being adhered to the Chairman again called for order, and requested the Monitoring Officer proceed with the recorded vote.
Votes were cast in the following manner: -
For:- Councillors Bierley, Brockway, Coulson, Davies, Devine, Fleetwood, Grimble, Lawrence, McCartney, J McNeill, Milne, Morris, Patterson, Waller and Welburn (15)
Against:- Councillors Boles, Bunney Clews, Cotton, Darcel, Dobbie, Hill, Howitt-Cowan, Oliver, Panter, Rainsforth, Rollings, and Young (13)
Abstain: - Councillor Mrs Rodgers (1)
With a total of 15 votes in favour, 13 votes against and 1 abstention, the recommendation was carried and as such it was: -
RESOLVED that the recommendation from the Governance and Audit Committee be accepted and Minute 87 resolution (c) from the Annual Meeting of Council held on 9 May 2022, relating to the commencement time for Governance and Audit Committee, be varied, as such the start time for the Governance and Audit Committee for the remainder of the civic year be 10.00am.
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