Agenda item

Outline planning application for up to 180 residential units withaccess to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications on land south of A631 Hemswell Cliff.



Outline planning application for up to 180 residential units withaccess to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications on land south of A631 Hemswell Cliff.


The Principal Development Management Officer read out comments which had been received from Councillor Lewis Strange, the Ward Member.  Cllr Strange raised the matter of increased numbers of children needing to cross the road to the school to the north of the site, and requested that a footbridge be installed and that this be conditioned.


He noted that although LCC Highways had recommended refusal of the application this was only on the grounds of insufficient information being provided to demonstrate that the surface water flood risk had been adequately addressed. There were no reasons set out in terms of harm to highway safety. LCC Highways had also requested that, should the application be approved by the Committee, conditions be included to require an upgrade to the frontage footway from Dog Kennel Road to Lancaster Green to a 1.8 metre wide footway, and also improvement to the public highway by means of a signalised crossing to aid pedestrians across the A631, both of which to be certified complete by the local planning authority.  Conditions 13 and 14 were set out in the report and the s106 agreement also required a signalised crossing which adequately addressed the requirements of highway safety.


John Williams, agent for the applicant, spoke on the proposals and thanked officers for their support.  The application was for outline planning permission, and there were no unresolved objections to Policy LP53 in the CLLP, which was at an advanced stage.  The proposals aligned with the CLLP and the site was allocated for housing within the document.  S106 contributions were proposed for Education, Health, Affordable Housing, Public Open Space and Highway Improvements.  There was to be a sustainable drainage scheme by way of a pond to address water runoff, the design of which was to be submitted at the Reserved Matters stage.  With only three objections, there was community support for the proposals.


Confirmation was sought that the site was allocated for Housing within the emerging Local Plan and that the Education Contribution would be directed to the local Primary school.  These were affirmed.


Members debated the application briefly and agreed that all issues had been addressed.  The recommendations in the report were moved, seconded and voted upon and it was AGREED that:


That the decision to GRANT planning permission, subject to conditions, be delegated to the Chief Operating Officer, to enable the completion and signing of an agreement under section 106 of the Planning Act 1990 (as amended) pertaining to:-


-       Capital contribution towards primary school facilities (amounting up to £146,593) in lieu of on-site provision;

-       Capital contribution (£425 per dwelling) towards health care provision, in lieu of on-site provision;

-       On site provision of or off site provision for the delivery of affordable housing and/or enhancement of affordable housing (as defined within the NPPF) within Hemswell Cliff, equivalent to a 25% contribution of the overall amount of housing;

-       Measures to deliver and secure the ongoing management and maintenance of Public Open Space (equating to a minimum of 10% of the overall site);

-       Provision of a controlled pedestrian crossing on the A631 to serve the development.


And, in the event of the s106 not being completed and signed by all parties within 6 months from the date of this Committee, then the application be reported back to the next available Committee meeting following the expiration of the 6 months.



Note:  Councillor Patterson arrived at 19.17, having given advance notice that he would be arriving late due to a Civic Engagement in his capacity of Chairman of the Council.



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