The Committee heard from Councillor Stephen Bunney, in his role of Member of the Council’s Environment and Sustainability Working Group. He provided a comprehensive summary of the report, detailing the almost £1.5 million of Government funding received to retrofit homes across West Lindsey and improve energy efficiency for residents most in need, as well as outlining similar efforts to secure money to upgrade Council buildings. He explained the green theme was very much woven into in the ‘Levelling up’ work and the Economic Recovery Strategy. Councillor Bunney highlighted that it was fundamental that everything undertaken as a Council provided balance between supporting and promoting jobs, growth and the future prosperity of the district, against tackling climate change. He noted that the task ahead was substantial and not without challenges, however, the report provided a summary of activity undertaken within the last year, highlighting some of the successes already achieved, and setting the scene for activity for the coming year. This was the first report of its type, setting the scene, and it would evolve and become more sophisticated as the work streams develop and became firmly rooted in the Council’s business.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Bunney for his introduction and invited comments from the Committee. Members of the Committee were welcoming of the work undertaken, however, a Member of the Committee raised concerns regarding the energy efficient homes grants, stating that he had found it confusing and difficult to engage with. He explained the agencies he had contacted had not been aware of the West Lindsey schemes and the process would prove off-putting for applicants. He praised the opportunity, but expressed his concerns that it would not achieve what was intended. Officers took note of the feedback provided and explained the Council was working within Government framework, meaning the application process was as guided nationwide.
Members of the Committee enquired as to options for electric fleet vehicles as well as the role played by developers across the district in terms of building energy efficient homes, rather than seeking to retrofit after the fact. It was explained that the rural nature of the district raised issues regarding the electrification of refuse vehicles, however there were options for other fleet vehicles. In terms of the Planning laws, it was highlighted that the review of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan was already pushing the boundaries of what was expected nationally, which, if passed, would see houses in Lincolnshire being built as net zero carbon.
There were lengthy discussions regarding options open to home owners, such as the use of solar panels, ground source heat pumps, alternatives to boilers and the use of gas. A Member of the Committee sought greater assurance that the West Lindsey District Council website could become a source of trusted information for residents, providing details of schemes available, factual information on alternative heat sources, rather than using an internet search engine and finding only adverts from providers. Officers recognised the need for impartial information and publicising options to residents.
The Chairman thanked all Members for their input and worthwhile discussions points, wishing to put on record his thanks to Mr Steve Leary, Policy and Strategy Officer – Environment and Sustainability, all Members of the Working Group and support Officers involved in the work of the group. Having been moved and seconded, and on taking the vote, it was unanimously
a) progress against the ten themes identified in the Environment and Sustainability Action Plan be noted; and
b) the scope and timeline for the Environment and Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan refresh be approved.
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