The Committee heard from the Director of Change Management, ICT and Regulatory Services, with a report that provided an update on actions and initial proposals in response to the motion resolved by Council on 4 July 2022, for additional financial support measures for ‘socially vulnerable households’, with future costings to be determined as part of the budget setting report at the February Committee meeting. Members were advised to consider the first appendix with the report, which provided a table of all support available to those impacted by the cost of living crisis. It was also confirmed that updates would be distributed as necessary by way of the monthly Member Bulletin newsletter.
The Committee extended thanks to all Officers involved in the cost of living work, recognising that it did not constitute core business but it was important to understand the implications of the breadth of work undertaken. Members enquired as to the Warm Spaces scheme, with many having received enquiries from Parish Councils.
Note: Councillor D. Cotton declared a personal, non-pecuniary interest in that he was an emergency Chaplain in the area and was on standby constantly as a result of the cost of living crisis. He also declared he was in receipt of PIP payments.
In response to the Warm Spaces enquiries, it was confirmed that this was a developing scheme with specified venues tending to manage their own timings and advertising of such. It was noted that in Market Rasen, there were notices in the town detailing venues and times, with new Warm Spaces being set up to ‘fill the gaps’ between existing schedules. Members expressed the importance of their role within local communities, being best placed to understand the individualised needs within their own wards.
Note: Councillor O. Bierley declared a personal, non-pecuniary interest as a Trustee of Age UK Lindsey, noting that it was a partner agency through the cost of living work.
Note: Councillor D. Cotton left the Chamber at 7.17pm and returned at 7.18pm.
A Member of the Committee enquired as to whether there was work underway to co-ordinate independent schemes set up within local communities. An example was given of a local school having set up their own food bank and it was questioned whether that would be included in details of local support available, as it might not be well-known. It was recognised that there was a huge amount of work to undertake in terms of gathering every element of support available, including those independent schemes such as had been referenced. There was also work underway in terms of larger food banks offering to support and mentor those wishing to set up smaller, locally focussed food banks. Members were assured there was work underway to gather the breadth of support and co-ordinate the publicising of everything available to those who may be in need of support.
Members were also keen to highlight the concerns around those residents who perhaps were ‘just about managing’ but were at high risk of requiring further support as the cost of living crisis continued and potentially worsened. Additionally, it was recognised that those living in rural areas would not always have the same access to the support as those living in more populated areas, such as Warm Spaces or food banks.
The Committee was supportive of the work that had been undertaken so far and was appreciative of the continuing work involved.
Having been moved, seconded and voted upon, it was unanimously
a) the initial proposals to provide support, information and funding via partnership working and central government schemes for Cost of Living crisis support, models and key actions, be approved; and
b) further development of the WLDC website be supported, to provide increased focus on specific local cost of living initiatives, support, guidance and advice; and
c) the further development of costings be approved, to be incorporated in the February budget setting report to committee after the Local Government settlement on 21 December 2022.
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