Agenda item

Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation.  Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each.


The Chairman stated that there was one registered speaker under the Public Participation Scheme, Mr Don Westman, who was invited to address the Committee as follows:-


“This is a summary of my experience in objecting to a recent planning application for a development adjacent to the Ridings in Market Rasen, which was passed at the last planning meeting.


I have recently retired from around 40 years of public service in environmental protection. During that time I have made numerous technical comments on planning applications, including at a public enquiry. I always believed that due diligence would be given to all comments received by councils in making a decision.


My recent experience with the determination of the Ridings application has dramatically changed that opinion. Despite considerable evidence of a significant flood risk to existing properties, permission was granted. The FRA does not take into account a flooding threat from a nearby spring which has caused flooding in the past.


LCC held a site meeting and reported that there were several matters for which further discussion and clarification were required’ via a multi-agency approach, to include WLDC.


It was announced at the planning meeting that due to LCC concerns a drainage condition was to be imposed, but this did not appear to reference the spring which runs over the site into the Ridings.


I have twice sought clarification of this from West Lindsey but have had no response. I cannot even see any drainage condition in the minutes.


I have had several issues with WLDC including:-


poor customer service, including lack of engagement/response to emails rude and aggressive tones on the phone; and


reading out the wrong statement from me at the last planning meeting, and a failure to attend a site meeting to discuss flood risk, which was arranged by Lincolnshire County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority.


I am shocked, extremely frustrated and very disappointed that West Lindsey planning officers refused to engage regarding the serious flood risk concerns in the Ridings. Market Rasen has enough issues with flooding, as reported on “Look North” in August, without more issues being created by inadequate planning control. I have therefore lost all confidence in the planning system.


I have serious concerns that more people in Market Rasen will now be flooded as a result of this, and other flawed planning decisions. The current surface water flood risk map for this area shows how recent development has not been properly controlled in this respect. I feel existing residents have been let down badly by public servants, whose duty it is to protect their interests, as part of the planning process.


Could WLDC please update concerned residents regarding the position on the drainage issues as referenced above?”


The Chairman stated that he would ask the Development Management Team Manager to look in detail at Mr Westman’s comments and respond accordingly.  The Chairman also suggested that Mr Westman could, if he wished, pursue a formal complaint via the Council’s Complaints Procedure, the details of which could be found on the Council’s website.