The Chairman introduced the next application of the meeting, application number 145617, seeking permission for a first floor extension and garage alterations at The Spinney, 12 Scothern Lane Sudbrooke. This application had been referred to the Committee following objections from the Parish Council which had stated that the proposals were in conflict with the policies contained in the Sudbrooke Neighbourhood Plan.
The Planning Officer gave an update to the published report, stating that there had been 10 further objections from addresses outside the village, namely, Waddington, Welton, Dunholme, Nettleham, Fiskerton and Ingham, along with two more objections from Golden Acre, Scothern Lane Sudbrooke and two further objections from Five Mile House, Scothern Lane Sudbrooke.
The objections were based around the size and scale of the proposed development and the overbearing and overlooking impact. It had been stated that the proposed development did not accord with the policies contained in the Sudbrooke Neighbourhood Plan.
The Committee was advised that all of these representations were late and had been made outside the statutory consultation period and were mainly from addresses not directly affected by the development. It was therefore considered that the objections carried little weight and did not result in the need to amend the report recommendations.
The Planning Officer then proceeded to give a brief outline of the history of the site and the actual development proposed.
The Chairman then invited the applicant’s agent, Mr Chris Henderson to address the Committee as follows:-
“Good evening and thanks for the opportunity to address the Committee on behalf of the applicants in support of this application. I'll endeavour to keep this brief, as all relevant policies and planning related issues have been addressed by the case officer as detailed in the report.
This Householder application proposes internal alterations and a first floor extension to the existing dormer bungalow. It is important to note there that there is no proposal to increase the ground floor footprint of the existing dwelling. The application also seeks a marginal increase in the footprint of the existing garage and the addition of a home office within the roof space.
The application site is a substantial plot, extending to approximately 0.65 acres set in mature landscaped grounds, with robust natural land boundaries. The property is set well back from the road behind a mature tree band which is subject to a tree preservation order. A detailed tree survey has been submitted with the application, the recommendations of which have been accepted by the local authority’s tree officer.
The neighbouring bungalow to the north of the site at number 14 has recently been demolished following the granting of planning permission for a large two storey dwelling with detached garage and workshop, with storage space and roof windows at first floor level. The new replacement dwelling which is currently under construction will be considerably higher than the proposal before you.
The neighbouring property to the south, No.10 is a detached dormer bungalow which has recently had a rear extension constructed. Properties along this stretch of Scothern Lane sit on a north south axis with gable to gable or side elevation to side elevation relationships, with generous separation between dwellings, which are generally heavily landscaped.
With regard to the application site and number 10 to the south, there is approximately 5.7 metres between dwellings, with number 10 having a blank elevation facing the application site. This boundary was heavily landscaped, preventing any views between plots. However, the occupiers of number 10 have recently removed this mature boundary, which has somewhat eroded the privacy between plots. It is my understanding that this application is being heard at Committee due to an objection from the Parish Council as it conflicts with Policy 2 of the Neighbourhood Plan.
It is important to note that the Parish Council's original comments submitted on the 23 October 2022 stated that they had no objection to the application. This response was later altered. The applicants have discussed the merits of Policy 2 within the Neighbourhood Plan with representatives of the Parish Council and have been informed that a steering group is being set up to review and update the Plan in line with the proposed amendments to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan as there is a recognition that the wording of Policy 2 is somewhat restrictive.
The foreword to the policy within the Neighbourhood Plan clearly states the ability to extend a home is important to homeowners because it allows properties to be altered to meet changing lifestyles, family size and adapt to changing physical mobility. The purpose of this policy is to allow extensions and alterations to homes, whilst being sensitive towards the physical character of the area and protecting the living standards of neighbouring properties.
The wording of Policy 2 within the Neighbourhood Plan is very much subjective and following a robust assessment by the case officer, this application is considered to be in accordance with this policy.
The Sudbrooke character assessment places the application site and character of Area 3, as a wholly residential area which is host to numerous detached dwellings which have been developed over a prolonged period of time and in a piecemeal manner along Scothern Lane’s eastern side.
The description of character Area 3 highlights the difficulty in viewing the properties in this location due to the high level of screening. However, the building materials, scale and design vary considerably from property to property, illustrating that there is no particular architectural language, and that variety is the order of the day.
The street accommodates a mix of bungalows, dormer bungalows and a significant number of two storey properties. It is the plot, size and positioning that give them their common character. It is therefore difficult to understand how the size scale, height and materials proposed on this application can be considered not to be in keeping with the original dwelling and the surrounding area, as it is described in the Sudbrooke character assessment.
Furthermore, the case officer's assessment of the proposal concludes that it would not result in a significant reduction in private amenity of the occupiers of neighbouring properties through overlooking, overshadowing, loss of light or an overbearing appearance, as confirmed in the case officer's report. This application is in full accordance with the NPPF LP 1 LP 17 and LP 26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and Policy 2 of the Sudbrooke Neighbourhood Plan.
A recommendation to approve by the case officer, coupled with confirmation from the Parish Council, that the Policy upon which their objection was based is under review due to his restrictive nature, should hopefully allow Members to support this application. Thank you very much”.
The Chairman thanked Mr Henderson for his comments and, on opening discussions for the Committee, invited the Vice-Chairman to speak first.
Councillor Waller indicated his familiarity with the site in question, as he was Ward Member, and acknowledged several local issues, such as the removal of trees which impacted the privacy of the properties, as well as the Parish Council intending to address some ambiguity in the wording of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Members of the Committee expressed their support for the application, however there were concerns raised regarding the distances between the neighbouring properties and the detached garage The Planning Officer clarified that the proposed garage was 2 metres from the boundary, and was slightly larger, with the ridge height proposed to be raised from 3.8 metres to 5.9 metres.
Having been proposed and seconded, the Chairman put the application to the vote and it was agreed unanimously that planning permission should be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:-
Conditions stating the time by which the development must be commenced:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To conform with Section 91 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
Conditions which apply or require matters to be agreed before the development commenced:
Conditions which apply or are to be observed during the course of the development:
2. With the exception of the detailed matters referred to by the conditions of this consent, the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawings: L-ADD-130-01A, L-ADD-130-02A and L-ADD-130-03B dated 13/10/22, L-ADD-130-07C dated 13/10/2022, L-ADD-130-08B, L-ADD-130-09B dated 29/9/22 and L-ADD-130-10B dated 13/10/22. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and in any other approved documents forming part of the application.
Reason: To ensure the development proceeds in accordance with the approved plans and to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework.
3. No development, other than to foundations level shall take place until a scheme for the disposal of foul and surface waters (including the results of soakaway/percolation tests) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved details and prior to occupation of the dwelling (see notes to the applicant below).
Reason: To ensure adequate drainage facilities are provided to serve the development in accordance with Policy LP14 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
4. No development, other than to foundations level shall take place until, full details of any new hardstanding and installation has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure appropriate drainage to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy LP14 and LP17 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
5. The development shall be carried out in full accordance with the Tree Protection Fencing as detailed in ‘General Recommendations’ and Figure 4 of The Tree Survey produced by CBE Consulting dated 1 December 2022. The fencing shall be erected before development commences including ground scraping and shall be retained at all times whilst construction work is taking place. Nothing shall be stored or placed in any root protection area, nor shall the ground levels within those areas be altered, without prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure that adequate measures are taken to preserve trees and hedges and their root systems whilst construction work is progressing on site in accordance the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy LP17 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
Conditions which apply or relate to matters which are to be observed following completion of the development:
Note: Councillor P. Morris left the Chamber at 7.05 pm in advance of the next item.
Supporting documents: