Agenda item


Note:  Councillor M. Devine left the Chamber for the item at 6.39 pm.


The Chairman introduced the first application of the meeting, planning application 145688, which sought the approval of reserved matters relating only to appearance, landscaping,layout and scale, following the grant of outline planning permission for 49 dwellings (ref 136577) on 30 October 2019 on land to the west of Horsley Road, Gainsborough. (Access had been determined at the time outline permission had been granted, and was not a reserved matter seeking approval).


The application had been submitted to the Committee at the request of the local Member and at the request of this Committee on 1 May 2019 when it had been resolved to grant outline permission.  The Minutes of the Committee had recorded that any future applications for planning permission, outline permission or reserved matters for this site should be heard by the Committee. The Planning Officer presented the report, concerning which there were no updates, and summarised the history of the site.


The Chairman explained the arrangements for speaking at the Committee and invited Mr Brian Reynolds, the applicant, to address the Committee:-


“Good evening, Chairman and Members. My name is Brian Reynolds and I am the London director for North Country homes and, not surprisingly, I am in support of this application.  I will not keep you any longer than necessary and so simply, I'd like to thank the Planning Officers, their supporting consultants and staff for the professional and timely manner in which this application had been dealt with.  I would ask the Committee to support their professional advice. I would like to say thank you for hearing me; I am here to lend my physical support to the application.”


The Chairman then invited the Democratic Services Officer to read out a statement from Mrs Dawn Anderson (on behalf of herself and her husband), who had objected to the application:-


“Our objection to the building of 49 houses on the land next to our property has previously been submitted.  Whilst we appreciate Gainsborough is being 'rejuvenated', there are already new build sites all over the town, these being Foxby Lane, Bowling Green, Hillcrest Developments, Warren Wood and Thonnock Vale.  Yes, people need a place to live but surely these developments are more than adequate and there is no need for more residential development.  It would be more prudent to develop the infrastructure of the town to offer more facilities than building another 49 properties. Two GP surgeries were inadequate before all of the above building works commenced. The Council should consider the size of the town itself and how all these new residents are to be catered for in a relatively small market town.  A further 49 payments of council tax from the building of these new properties will not revive the town's fortunes but it will seriously impact the existing residents of the immediate area.  If the “voting committee” were directly involved and living next to a building site would they be prepared to have their lives turned upside down for the months (possibly years) ahead?  


Greystones Road and Horsley Road are notoriously difficult to navigate due to the volume of vehicles that park on the road and pavements and the volume of traffic.  The access to Horsley Road is already at breaking point with the volume of traffic; most households in Horsley Road own at least two vehicles with insufficient space on their drives to park more than one vehicle. Adding potentially a further 60 vehicles to these roads will increase the risk of accidents and will make access to the existing properties increasingly difficult, if not impossible.  Any vehicle larger that a bin lorry will struggle to access the site via these two roads or indeed from the other side of the site.  The increase in traffic will also impact emergency services.  As we are at the end of the road, next to the access to the site, we already experience difficulty getting in and out of our drive with the constant stream of deliveries, people dropping off and picking up their children from the local childminder's property and vehicles parked on the pavements opposite to our property.  The attached photographs were taken at Sunday lunch time and it is much worse during the week.  Have you considered where these people will park if the building goes ahead?


We are aware of the flood risk to Horsley Road and it is difficult to obtain insurance without paying a high premium.  Surely removing the natural land that absorbs the rain with concrete is going to add to these problems.  In addition, the existing sewer system struggles during heavy rain and there is a constant smell from the drain located on the corner of Greystones Road and Horsley Road.


The level of disturbance that large volumes of plant, vehicles and building work will make, will have a significant impact on the existing residents. We believe that the building work as proposed will have a detrimental effect on the mental health of the residents who work from home or do not go out to work. As we are living directly next to the site I am very concerned about my husband as he is at home all day, every day, suffering with mental health issues. I also work from home and the disturbance for me, as my office backs on to the site, will be detrimental to my own health and wellbeing.  There is of course no indication of timescale for the proposed work, hours to be worked etc. but this will not be a short term project and therefore this needs to be taken into consideration.   This building work will cause turmoil from which some may not recover. 


We do not believe that this proposal is viable in any way, shape or form and the Committee should consider all the residents that will suffer if this goes ahead. Please do take my comments into consideration when making your decisions.”


The Chairman thanked the Democratic Services Officer for reading out the statement and invited him to read out a further statement on behalf of Mr Leigh Street:-


“I wish to object to the proposal based on all my comments made to the original application, no. 136577, as they are all still relevant. Can the Committee confirm all comments from application 136577 are being considered and explain why the application number has been changed to 145688? I would like the Committee to make sure the original planning number is referenced so all the original objections and constant extensions of time are being discussed before voting for its approval. There has been no consideration for anyone who purchases these properties as everyone on Horsley road struggles to get house insurance now and pays at a premium. The development will increase the flood risk already highlighted to St. Paul’s Road with the surface run off in heavy rainfall. Access roads through to and including Horsley Road are extremely poor and heavy construction traffic will pose a significant hazard to the local residents, especially during school start and finish times. Floss Mill Lane is not an appropriate alternative access route either and will be very disruptive for local residents, including the access road at Front Street. The significant impact of this on local residents needs to be seriously considered especially while they make access to the site as there isn’t a suitable holding area for vehicles on Horsley Road.


On the application they’re suggesting building 2 storey buildings and disregarding the original recommendations and assessments for 3 storey buildings due to the location close to the River Trent, within 50 meters in fact.


I understand my comments probably will not influence the decision of this Committee but I wish to highlight that the engagement with the community has been poor and changing the application reference number was poorly communicated. This area would serve the community of Gainsborough much better if developed into a nature reserve or another community facility to enhance the experience of the riverside walk. Building more housing, especially with at least 4 other developments currently ongoing in the town, is not a priority for Gainsborough. Other options for this land should have been explored before it was sold to developers.”


The Chairman thanked the Democratic Services Officer for reading out Mr Street’s statement and invited the Planning Officer to comment on them.


The Planning Officer advised that infrastructure and flooding matters had been dealt with at the outline application stage.  With regard to the hours of working, there was a condition on the outline permission which had to be adhered to by the applicant, who was required to obtain agreement from the authority to a construction management plan.  In relation to the comments about reference numbers, it was indicated that there was one reference number for the outline application and one for reserved matters.  It was confirmed that the properties were three storey.


Note: Councillor M. Boles declared a non-pecuniary interest for the purposes of transparency, that one of the objectors, namely Mr. Leigh Street, was known to him but he had not discussed the application with Mr. Street.


Reference was made to flood mitigation measures and Members were advised that this had been dealt with at the outline application stage.  The water management issues had been dealt with in the applicant’s flood risk assessment report submitted with the outline application.  The drainage report submitted with the outline application had been deemed to be acceptable. There was a condition relating to water management in the event that the situation should change as the development progressed.


A concern was raised about the access arrangements both during and after completion of the development.  Questions were also raised about infrastructure provision and in particular the existing pressures on the local health services.  Reference was also made to green infrastructure provision.  Members were however again reminded that this development had already been granted outline planning permission which provided for a fixed access point, concerning which the Highway Authority had raised no objection, and that the matters before the Committee this evening related only to the layout, scale and appearance of the buildings and landscaping issues.


Having been proposed and seconded, the Chairman put the application to the vote, and it was agreed by majority vote that permission should be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:-


Conditions stating the time by which the development must be commenced:




Conditions which apply or require matters to be agreed before the development commenced:




Conditions which apply or are to be observed during the course of the development:


1. With the exception of the detail matters referred by the conditions of this consent, the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawings:


1138-2 F

















5007/1 Rev A

5007/2 Rev A


The works shall be in accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and in any other documents forming part of the application.


Reason: To ensure the development proceeds in accordance with the approved plans.


2. No development, other than to foundations level, shall take place until details of the proposed new walling, roofing, windows, doors and other external materials have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall thereafter be constructed in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure the use of appropriate materials to safeguard the character and appearance of the street scene in accordance with the NPPF and Policies LP17 and LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.


3. Prior to occupation, details of boundary treatments shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interests of residential and visual amenity in accordance with policy LP17 and LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.


4. The landscaping shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawings –


5007/1 Rev A

5007/2 Rev A


Reason: To ensure that appropriate landscaping is introduced and will not adversely impact on the character and appearance of the site to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework and local policies LP17 and LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2012-2036.


5. Landscape management and maintenance shall be carried out in accordance with the details on plan 5007-3 Rev A and contained within the Landscape Management Specification by Blue Hill Landscape Design.


Reason: To ensure that appropriate management and maintenance of the landscaping is introduced  and carried out in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and local policies LP17 and LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2012-2036.


6. Prior to occupation, details of the management and maintenance of the children’s play area (LEAP) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out on accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure that appropriate management and maintenance of the LEAP is introduced  and carried out in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and local policies LP17 and LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2012-2036.


7. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the details contained within the Aboricultural Report by Enviroscope consulting dated October 2022.


Reason: To safeguard the appearance and future well-being of the tree(s) in the interests of the visual amenity of the area in accordance with policy LP17 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.


8. The Local Useable Green Space identified on plans 5007/1 Rev A and 5007/2 Rev A shall be retained as such, and in perpetuity.


Reason: In the interests of amenity in accordance with policies LP17 and L26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.


Conditions which apply or relate to matters which are to be observed following completion of the development:




Note:  Councillor M. Devine returned to the Chamber at 6.57 pm


Supporting documents: