Agenda item


The Chairman of the Council presented the report which sought to appoint Members to serve on numerous Sub-Committees, Working Groups and Outside Bodies.


The report also sought approval to suspend the rules relating to proportionality for the both the Standards Sub-Committee and the Appeals Board.


The Chairman advised the meeting that at the time of the report’s publication there were some outstanding nominations.  On request, the Monitoring Officer provided outstanding nominations as follows: -


*         Councillor Matthew Boles be appointed to the Trustees of WG Rose Memorial

*         Councillor Matthew Boles be appointed to the Trustees of Francis Barker Trust


The Monitoring Officer further advised that nominations were still awaited from the Lincolnshire Independents to several positions and that the Administration Group had, late in the day, “gifted” a few more positions to Groups.


Given the position, it was proposed by the Chairman and duly seconded, that delegated authority be granted to the Head of Paid Service, in consultation with relevant Group Leaders to make appointments to all those positions which remained vacant, post the Council Meeting.


On that basis it was RESOLVED that: -


(a)    the Rules relating to proportionality be suspended for appointment to the Appeals Board;


(b)    the Rules relating to proportionality be suspended for appointment to the Standards Sub-Committee; and


(c)    the following appointments be made: -


Joint Staff Consultative Committee


Councillor Moira Westley

Councillor Matt Boles

Councillor Jackie Brockway

Councillor John Barrett

Councillor Ian Fleetwood (Reserve)

Councillor Roger Patterson (Reserve)

Councillor Tom Smith (Reserve)

Councillor (tbc – Opposition or Lincs Ind)


Appeals Board


Councillor Stephen Bunney

Councillor Jackie Brockway

Councillor Ian Fleetwood

Councillor Angela Lawrence

Councillor Diana Rodgers

Councillor (tbc – Lib Dem)


Standards Sub-Committee


Councillor Moira Westley

Councillor Matt Boles

Councillor Jackie Brockway

Councillor Di Rodgers

Councillor Ian Fleetwood

Councillor (tbc – Lincs Ind)


Lincolnshire Show Task and Finish Group 23/24


Chairman of Council

Councillor Lesley Rollings

Councillor Liz Clews

Councillor Eve Bennett

Councillor Maureen Palmer

Councillor Roger Pilgrim

Councillor John Barrett


Editorial Advisory Board


Councillor Lesley Rollings

Councillor  Diana Rodgers

Councillor (tbc – Lincs Ind)


West Lindsey Community Awards Panel


                        Chairman of Council

Councillor Eve Bennett

Councillor (tbc – Lincs Ind)

Councillor (tbc – Opposition Group)

Councillor (tbc – Opposition Group)


Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee


Councillor Trevor Young

Councillor Jim Snee

Councillor Matt Boles

Councillor Ian Fleetwood (Reserve)


Leisure, Culture, Events & TourismGroup


Councillor Lesley Rollings

Councillor Moira Westley

Councillor Jacob Flear

Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan

Councillor Stephen Bunney

Councillor Maureen Palmer


Community Grants Panel


Councillor Stephen Bunney

Councillor Liz Clews

Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan

Councillor Di Rodgers

Councillor Owen Bierley


Funding Consultative Panel


Councillor Lesley Rollings

Councillor Karen Carless

Councillor Roger Patterson

Councillor (tbc – Lincs Ind)

Councillor Mandy Snee (Reserve)

Councillor Ian Fleetwood (Reserve)

Councillor (tbc Lincs Ind) (Reserve)


Scampton Local Plan and Infrastructure Group


Councillor Sabastian Hague

Councillor Roger Patterson

Leader of the Council

Councillor Paul Swift (Reserve)


Community Rights Panel


Councillor Stephen Bunney

Councillor Jeanette McGhee

Councillor Trevor Bridgwood


Transport Working Group


Chairman of Prosperous Communities Committee

Councillor Stephen Bunney

Councillor Moira Westley

Councillor Lynda Mullally

Councillor Roger Patterson

Councillor John Barrett

Councillor (tbc – Lincs Ind)


Environmental and Sustainability Group


Councillor Stephen Bunney

Councillor Matt Boles

Councillor Karen Carless

Councillor Eve Bennett

Councillor Maureen Palmer

Councillor Paul Lee


Member Development Group


Councillor Matt Boles

Councillor Baptiste Velan

Councillor Emma Bailey

Councillor Peter Morris

Councillor Roger Pilgrim

Councillor Owen Bierley

Councillor (tbc – Lincs Ind)


Further Education Task Force


The Leader of the Council

Councillor Lesley Rollings

Councillor Angela Lawrence 


Flooding Group

Serving Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Members who have a specific role either on a Flood and Water Management Group or Internal Drainage Board, as a minimum this will include: -

the West Lindsey representative on Lincolnshire Flood Risk and Water Management Group and any Lincolnshire County Council Members who are also serving West Lindsey Councillors.


Note : - It will be normal practice for elected members who have identified a particular risk relating to flooding or drainage in their constituency to attend the meetings.


Honours Panel


Chairman of the Council (replaced by a representative when a conflict of interest occurs) who will be the representative of their office and their political party

A Member from each of the other political parties;

An Independent Co-opted member of the Council (an existing member, chosen by the Monitoring Officer upon receipt of a nomination who has no conflict of interest)


Note:        Due to the nature of these awards, the most appropriate Members will be called together on a nomination by nomination basis.


(d)    Members as detailed in the appended table be appointed to the Outside Bodies, in accordance with the provisions agreed at Sections 5 (a) – (c) of the report, and set out below: -


(a)    To note that appointments to Outside Bodies  are  made on the following basis :


i)       In the first instance any Member with a specialist interest or expertise in the particular field of the Outside Body should be appointed (the appointment should not be party political), Failing this, where possible, appointments should be made geographically involving a local Ward Member.  Where neither of these criteria can be met, any other Member should be appointed;


ii)      appointments are to be made for a four year period to be in line with District elections.  However, a number of bodies have their own arrangements for a four yearly cycle of appointments, these are indicated in the table below.


iii)     where a body shows that the Leader, Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman of a particular committee is the representative, this is because either the constitution of the body concerned requires it or there has been a previous Council decision that the office-holder will serve.  Where a body indicates that this has traditionally been the case, there is no actual requirement; and


iv)         those Members appointed to serve on an outside body would be expected to provide a short report on the achievements, finance and forward plans for inclusion in a booklet prior to Annual Council.  (circulated separately to members)


(b)    that places which have traditionally been filled by the Leader, Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman of a particular committee or their nominee continue to be so filled.


(c)     that appointed representatives should arrange for a reserve (where required) with the exception of those bodies marked with an asterisk * (as these are directorships and personal appointments).


(e)    the outside bodies no longer requiring appointments (detailed below) be noted and be removed from the list: -


Name of body

Heritage Trust

Lincs Forum for Agriculture /Horticulture

Lincolnshire Sports

Local Crime Prevention

Robin Hood Airport

Safer Lincs Partnership Oversight

Sure Start

Well-Being Lincs Reference Group

West Lindsey Dementia Action Alliance


(f)     delegated authority be granted to the Head of Paid Service, in consultation with relevant Group Leaders to make appointments to all those positions which remain vacant, post the Council Meeting.



Supporting documents: