Agenda item


The Development Management Team Manager introduced the report seeking consideration of the Local Impact Report (LIR) prepared for the Gate Burton Solar Project.


The committee was informed that the project was the first of four solar nationally significant infrastructure projects within the district. It was confirmed that due to the scale of the proposal the planning process was different to normal. The application would be considered by government with the Planning Inspectorate being the examining authority. The scheme would be reviewed by them and then recommendations made to the Secretary of State.


The timetable for the process  was outlined with the first of the deadlines being 18th July for the local authority to submit a Local Impact Report (LIR) if they wanted, as it was not statutory. If submitted, it would need to be considered as part of the determination. The committee was informed that whilst there was no set format it was suggested that the impact report should highlight positive, neutral and negative impacts. The recommendations were outlined and the suggested response which followed the same structure as the developers environmental assessment was highlighted.


A councillor, in support of the recommendations,  suggested that the cumulative impact of solar developments needed to be borne in mind and expressed the hope that this LIR could be a template for subsequent applications. It was emphasised that the site could have a 60-year lifespan. It was noted that the timescale was very tight.


A member supported the approach of matching the format to that of the  developers and found it very useful to see both the positive and the negative impacts and the fact it provided a balanced argument. It was suggested that an overall assessment of what it would mean for West Lindsey was needed. There appeared to be quite a lot of negative impacts and concluding paragraphs bringing that out would be of use to the developers, decision makers and public. It was indicated that a press release would be beneficial.


The committee was reminded that there were further stages including the submission of written representations that could expand on some of these issues. Members conveyed their thanks to officers for their hard work in preparing the report.


The recommendations were proposed and seconded and it was suggested that the second recommendation be amended so that the delegation was to the Development Management Team Manager in consultation with the Chair as opposed to “Officers” as printed in the report.


On being put to the vote the proposition was carried.




a)    the submission of a Local Impact Report (LIR) in relation to the 500MW Gate Burton Energy Park Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (DCO application); be approved; and


b)    delegated authority be granted  to the Development Management Team Manager in consultation with the Chair of this committee, ,to finalise the draft Local Impact Report (LIR) prepared for the Gate Burton Solar Project and submit the final LIR by Deadline 1 (18th July) set by the Examining Authority, taking into consider the Committee’s comments.

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