Agenda item


Consideration was given to the report presenting the Council’s proposed 2024/25 Progress and Delivery measures and corresponding targets.


The Performance and Programme Manager introduced the report and advised it had been informed by meetings with team managers and management team. This was part of a full review of the framework which had involved a review of measures and associated targets by an Overview and Scrutiny commissioned cross-party working group prior to the meeting and all measures were circulated to Members and feedback welcomed.


The proposed measures within the framework were designed to provide information and assurance on the delivery of Council services, it was important that the measures provided Members with an understanding of the services being delivered and provided the information to learn and improve these.


The purpose of the report was to seek approval of the measures for inclusion in the 2024-25 framework, ready for an implementation date of April 2024. The report was detailed, outlining works completed to date, an overview of measures recommended for inclusion in next year's framework as well as those measures that were recommended to be amended or removed. The appendix to the report showed a complete list of service measures organised by portfolio.


The Change, Projects and Performance Officer presented the proposed new measures which included 29 new measures, 16 of which, however, were created to replace existing measures. It was noted that some new measures had resulted from Member engagement. The Officer then detailed the new measures proposed.


A Councillor thanked officers for the report and welcomed the review that had been undertaken. In particular, measures relating to communities issues in respect of community grants were important as was external funding. In respect of new measures, the good causes registered with the West Lindsey Lottery and the amount of funds raised was highlighted. A Member concurred and asked how improvement delivery could be assessed for such indicators.


In response the Officer explained that in terms of the Community section of the report, it was an opportunity to provide some transparency of the work that was undertaken through the Council and whilst appreciating it may not specifically fit the criteria in terms of typical progress and delivery it was considered useful to highlight that work.


A Councillor highlighted that it would be beneficial to look deeper at some of the indicators and referred to other grants, such as the Councillor Initiative Fund, that could be included in the indicators. It was suggested that several of the measures were data rather than quality led which was not necessarily the best indicator in some areas and additional commentary or analysis may be needed. The role of the Working Party in looking at these issues was highlighted, and it was indicated that they should consider alternative approaches in the future. A Member agreed and whilst acknowledging that new indicators would be assessed from scratch there may be some historic data that could inform the process.


In response the Officer acknowledged the concerns and confirmed that baseline data was available to inform some indicators and would be incorporated into update reports if the recommendations were agreed. Some of the measures would be new and, in this case, the 2024-25 cycle would be used to collect information, with the data and indicators being reviewed the following year to identify changes that may be needed. Discussion ensued regarding the criteria for setting initial targets, targets proposed for individual indicators, the benchmarking process, and the frequency of reports to the Committee.


It was suggested and agreed that the indicator relating to website accessibility should be amended to 99%.


Having been proposed and seconded it was


RESOLVED that the 2024/25 Progress & Delivery measure set, as amended, be approved.

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