Motion 1
“Many members of this Council will have in recent weeks been walking round their local communities. Some will have met other people walking for health benefits or exercising their dogs, which many people have added to their households in the last couple of years.
During April, it was brought to my attention that some litter and dog bins were filling up very rapidly and that some were very full. While it might appear very easy to request that any particular bin is emptied, this can become a lot more cumbersome and complicated when trying to explain the location of that bin to the District Council who own and look after so many across the District. After a little research I discovered that some other Councils put an asset number onto each bin and this seems a good idea to me, if for no other reason than trying to manage any particular bin that might need a repair or replacement.
But with a little more thought, if a bin had an asset number on it, say DB1 or LB1, then a further two stickers could be added. The first would be to put a simple notice on saying ‘if this bin is full or in need of repair, please ring the District Council with the phone number for the right department’ to enable it to be actioned quickly, and the second would be to put a QR code (quick response digital image) on the relevant bin so in these times of digital technology the entire process could become automated and offer a 24/7 service to the residents.
Environmentally this would help to keep the area more beautiful, from a health perspective it would keep the area cleaner and from a management angle the entire system would become easier to maintain.
As Opposition Group Leader, I therefore call on this Council to support me in requesting that the Prosperous Communities Committee explores the feasibility and financial implications of introducing asset numbers on all District Council litter bins; plus an information sticker detailing how to report a full or damaged bin to the Council for collection, and a QR code on each bin as an automated alternative for contacting the Council to report a full or damaged bin.
I so move
Councillor Ian Fleetwood”
Motion 2
“Leader, the current side waste (Refuse) Policy adopted, I believe, in 2009, should be reviewed because it does not, in my view, comply with the Council’s commitment to becoming carbon net zero.
As it stands under the current policy, (refuse) side waste is not collected. After about 2 days, this refuse becomes fly-tipping and is collected by a caged van, then tipped at the waste transfer station, the weight then being recorded as street cleansing.
Leaving the side waste next to the bin to me is very counterproductive as collecting at source, means another team does not have to duplicate the task using more fuel and carbon emissions.
I urge members to support me in requesting that the Prosperous Communities Committee commits to formally reviewing the side waste policy within the 2023/24 financial year to ensure that the policy is in line with the Council’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions from its fleet of vehicles.
I so move.
Councillor Paul Key”
Motion 3
“I, Councillor Thomas Jacob Neil Smith, propose the following motion:-
Chairman, as some of you may know, LNER recently undertook a validation run for a daily direct run from Cleethorpes through Market Rasen to London. This is a most welcome step in the right direction and something that many have been campaigning for over a considerable period of time. I request that we lobby LNER to assess the viability of Barnetby being included into the direct run from Cleethorpes, passing through Market Rasen, to London, to enable our residents to be truly connected to our nation’s capital. This will open up more opportunities for work and leisure for our residents and this should be something we work with all our statutory partners to achieve.
I so move
Councillor Thomas Smith”
The Chairman advised the meeting that three Motions had been submitted pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No. 10 and these were set out on the agenda.
Councillor Fleetwood was invited to put his Motion to the meeting as follows:-
“Many members of this Council will have in recent weeks been walking round their local communities. Some will have met other people walking for health benefits or exercising their dogs, which many people have added to their households in the last couple of years.
During April, it was brought to my attention that some litter and dog bins were filling up very rapidly and that some were very full. While it might appear very easy to request that any particular bin is emptied, this can become a lot more cumbersome and complicated when trying to explain the location of that bin to the District Council who own and look after so many across the District. After a little research I discovered that some other Councils put an asset number onto each bin and this seems a good idea to me, if for no other reason than trying to manage any particular bin that might need a repair or replacement.
But with a little more thought, if a bin had an asset number on it, say DB1 or LB1, then a further two stickers could be added. The first would be to put a simple notice on saying ‘if this bin is full or in need of repair, please ring the District Council with the phone number for the right department’ to enable it to be actioned quickly, and the second would be to put a QR code (quick response digital image) on the relevant bin so in these times of digital technology the entire process could become automated and offer a 24/7 service to the residents.
Environmentally this would help to keep the area more beautiful, from a health perspective it would keep the area cleaner and from a management angle the entire system would become easier to maintain.
As Opposition Group Leader, I therefore call on this Council to support me in requesting that the Prosperous Communities Committee explores the feasibility and financial implications of introducing asset numbers on all District Council litter bins; plus an information sticker detailing how to report a full or damaged bin to the Council for collection, and a QR code on each bin as an automated alternative for contacting the Council to report a full or damaged bin.
I so move
Councillor Ian Fleetwood”
The Chairman thanked Councillor Fleetwood and drew Members attention to Council Procedure Rule 10.4 “ if the subject of a motion comes within the remit of any committee(s), it shall, upon being moved and seconded, stand referred without discussion to such committee(s) for consideration and determination.
The Chairman indicated, whilst he had some discretion, he would on this occasion be applying Rule 10.4. As such a seconder for the motion was sought and received and on that basis the Chairman advised the matter would stand referred for determination, with no requirement for a vote.
The motion submitter was advised he would be invited to Prosperous Communities Committee, when the motion was considered and determined, and the Chairman indicated he trusted Officers would bring this forward in as timely manner as feasible. Council would be advised at their next meeting when this was anticipated to be.
Councillor Key was invited to put his Motion to the meeting as follows:-
“Leader, the current side waste (Refuse) Policy adopted, I believe, in 2009, should be reviewed because it does not, in my view, comply with the Council’s commitment to becoming carbon net zero.
As it stands under the current policy, (refuse) side waste is not collected. After about 2 days, this refuse becomes fly-tipping and is collected by a caged van, then tipped at the waste transfer station, the weight then being recorded as street cleansing.
Leaving the side waste next to the bin to me is very counterproductive as collecting at source, means another team does not have to duplicate the task using more fuel and carbon emissions.
I urge members to support me in requesting that the Prosperous Communities Committee commits to formally reviewing the side waste policy within the 2023/24 financial year to ensure that the policy is in line with the Council’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions from its fleet of vehicles.
I so move.
Councillor Paul Key”
The Chairman thanked Councillor Key and again drew Members’ attention to Council Procedure Rule 10.4. which he would again be applying on this occasion.
As such a seconder for the motion was sought and received and on that basis the Chairman advised the matter would stand referred for determination, with no requirement for a vote.
The motion submitter was advised he would be invited to Prosperous Communities Committee, when the motion was considered and determined, and Council would be advised, at their next meeting, when this was anticipated to be.
Councillor Smith was invited to put his Motion to the meeting as follows:-
“I, Councillor Thomas Jacob Neil Smith, propose the following motion:-
Chairman, as some of you may know, LNER recently undertook a validation run for a daily direct run from Cleethorpes through Market Rasen to London. This is a most welcome step in the right direction and something that many have been campaigning for over a considerable period of time. I request that we lobby LNER to assess the viability of Barnetby being included into the direct run from Cleethorpes, passing through Market Rasen, to London, to enable our residents to be truly connected to our nation’s capital. This will open up more opportunities for work and leisure for our residents and this should be something we work with all our statutory partners to achieve.
I so move
Councillor Thomas Smith”
With the motion duly seconded, debate ensued.
Members from across the Chamber indicated their support for the motion. Many spoke of how Barnetby station was a lynch pin to opening and connecting the northern corner of the District and would much improve connectivity for settlements such as Caistor and Keelby. Furthermore, it would support and improve connectivity to Humberside International Airport. Members spoke of the excellent service running from Lincoln to London direct and considered other parts of the District should have access to such services.
On being put to the vote, the MOTION AS SUBMITTED was declared CARRIED and as a result it was
RESOLVED unanimously that the District Council lobby LNER, seeking support from all statutory partners, to assess the viability of Barnetby being included in the direct run from Cleethorpes, passing through Market Rasen, to London.