Agenda item


The Chair introduced application 146801, to erect 108 dwellings with access to be considered. The Planning Officer confirmed there were a couple of updates to the published report and presented a summary of the application. On page 62 of the report, 14.2dph had been corrected to 7dph per dwelling. There were also amendments on page 63 as the developable area was 75% and on page 84/85 in relation to condition 10 changed to 5 litres.


Members asked a point of clarification on the cold-water maintenance and asked who was responsible for this. The Development Management Team Leader responded that this would be detailed as part of the condition at a later stage as it would need to be agreed with the flood authority and Internal Drainage Board (IDB).


The Chair thanked the Officer for his presentation and advised the Committee there were six registered speakers.


Councillor Mike Powell, Chair of Welton-by-Lincoln’s Planning and Development Committee addressed the Committee and expressed that Welton had been inundated with housing development and it was important to consider accessibility and character of the village. He expressed concerns regarding flooding and drainage, and pressure on healthcare and education providers.


Steve Catney, the agent for the site, shared the application would deliver biodiversity benefits, provided affordable homes as well as significant road improvements and improve the rural footpath network. He addressed surface water concerns raised by the Parish Council and explained drainage was controlled at 5 litres per second. He concluded that the Wildlife Trust and other statutory consultees had been approached and were happy with the application.


Mr Chris Thomas represented a large group of residents from Welton and outlined objections to the application on the grounds of a need to preserve the local vernacular and a need for low density. He urged for the character and setting to be taken into account and access at the West of the site, in line with Highways comments.


Councillor Mrs Diana Rodgers, a local ward member for Dunholme and Welton, shared that she had lived in Eastfield Lane for over 25 years. She emphasised the unsuitability of the site, as Welton had been subject to major housing developments to address the housing need, but the highways were dangerous and fatal accidents had taken place on the bend near the proposed access. The schools and health centre were at capacity and more housing would place a further strain on services.


Councillor Paul Swift, a local ward member for Dunholme and Welton, echoed concerns regarding the excessive growth in Welton with 3 ongoing large developments and future proposed developments. He stressed the unsuitability of the site and the need for low density requirements.


The Development Management Team Manager advised the Committee that it is a plan-led planning system, and the site is already allocated for residential development in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (April 2023), which had been through a public examination and found to be ‘sound’.. In terms of infrastructure, there was a clear policy and mechanisms in place, and the development accorded with this. There would be a Section 106 contribution in place to address healthcare capacity concerns and the scheme was in line with the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.


The Development Management Team Leader explained that Anglian Water had approved the drainage of the site, and it was a greenfield site with unrestricted access to water courses. Rainwater could have an impact, but the site proposed a controlled water run off 5 litres per second and water storage on site to enable the water course to have a consistent level. Highways had given no objections to the site, and they did consider accidents and other data when making their decision and had agreed to widening of the road, footpath, and speed limit changes. The local schools had no objection to the site.


Members discussed the application and requested a site visit to determine the appropriate access point for the site. They also wished to know the depth of the alleviation pond and if there would be safety measures in place to prevent children from accessing. Members expressed concerns regarding the danger of the highways and the bend, it was felt that a road structure to slow traffic needed to be in place. Members questioned why the land owner had not been contacted to purchase land to allow for access to the West of the site.


The Legal Adviser addressed the Committee and advised caution, as the application was allocated site for 109 dwellings which had been assessed by Highways and Officers. There were no concerns raised by statutory consultees other than a preferred access point. It had been deemed safe and the design would be brought at a later stage. The ransom strip could not be enforced.


RESOLVED that the application be deferred for a site visit to be held, to afford Members a greater understanding of the site access and impact on the local area.


Note: The Chairman adjourned the meeting for a short comfort break at 20:04. 


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