Agenda item


The Committee gave consideration to a report introduced by Councillor Stephen Bunney, in his role as the Chair of the Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability Working Group. Members heard that since the adoption of the Strategy in the summer of 2021, there had been a number of changes made, including significant steps forward in relation to the Council’s response to the impacts of Climate Change. The Council had adopted a new Corporate Plan during the summer of 2023 which reaffirmed the Councils commitment to tackling the impacts of Climate Change, and the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan was also adopted in April 2023. This Local Plan was only one of three across the Country taking significant steps towards tackling Climate Change through local plan policy, providing policies on energy use in all new build development as well as delivering positive steps in biodiversity and nature recovery and fossil fuels.


It was highlighted that the Member Working Group had worked closely with Officers to establish the strategy action plan and monitoring framework, and to develop the ten strategic themes in more detail, identifying strategic aims, objectives and outcomes for each. In doing this, it was concluded that the previously approved strategy needed to become more focussed and responsive to the often fast-paced changes experienced in the sector. It was also felt that the name of the strategy was too long and that whilst the strategy aimed to mitigate against the impacts of climate change, that was in fact an outcome and as such the strategy should promote the actions rather than focus on a specific symptom of past behaviour and choice. The Member Working Group were also keen to more clearly draw out the priorities and pledges the Council had made to ensure accountability in delivery.


In supporting the paper for approval, Councillor Bunney proposed a slight amendment to the wording of recommendation two, in that he felt there needed to be recognition of successful projects, either completed or in progress, as well as reflecting any updated approaches based on fast changing information. To that end, he proposed the paper with the proviso that recommendation two read:


“Members agree that the Environment and Sustainability Strategy Action Plan will be assessed annually as part of the annual monitoring report to ensure it is up to date and reflective of current thinking and successes.”


Members of the Committee expressed their wholehearted thanks to all involved in this work, Officers and Members alike, and the importance of the continued focus on the strategy was reiterated. The refreshed strategy document was praised for its clarity and readability, whilst keeping the message at the fore. Opportunities were discussed for working with Parish and Town Councils, if even in an advisory capacity, to help those local communities do their part.


The importance of alternate power sources was discussed, with Members highlighting the need to use existing spaces, such as roof spaces for solar panels, or solar tiles on all new builds. It was also commented that the public transport system required significant investment in order for it to be ‘fit for purpose’ if members of the public were to be persuaded to use it as preference over driving.


Having been seconded, and with the amendment agreed, the Chairman took the vote and it was unanimously


            RESOLVED that


a)    the updated 10-year Environment and Sustainability Strategy be adopted, noting the changes that have been made; and


b)    the Environment and Sustainability Strategy Action Plan be assessed annually as part of the annual monitoring report to ensure it is up to date and reflective of current thinking and successes; and


c)    authority be delegated to the Head of Policy and Strategy in consultation with the Chair of Prosperous Communities Committee to make minor editorial modifications to the Strategy where updates to data or legislation occur, that does not fundamentally change to the core objectives of the strategy.


Supporting documents: