Agenda item


The Committee gave consideration to a report presented by the Development Management Team Manager seeking to consider and agree the submission of a Local Impact Report (LIR) and Written Representations (WR) to the Examining Authority considering the Viking CCS Pipeline NSIP project. It was explained that the Viking CCS Pipeline was a development proposal by Chrysaor Production (UK) Limited. It would be a 55km long pipeline intended to transfer captured carbon from Immingham (N E Lincolnshire), to Theddlethorpe (E Lindsey) where it would then be piped into the North Sea and injected into depleted gas reservoirs under the sea.


The Committee heard that within West Lindsey itself, the project proposed for the pipeline to run below ground, approximately 2km – across agricultural fields, approximately 2.5km to the south east of the village of Keelby; and within 2km to the north east of the hamlet of Riby. The pipeline would be designed for a minimum operational life of 25 years. The pipeline was expected to have an external diameter of 24” (609 mm) and be buried to a minimum depth of 1.2 m to the top of the pipe. This would be greater at crossing points of railways, roads and watercourses.


The project qualified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and was subject to a separate consenting regime under the Planning Act 2008. The developer therefore was seeking a Development Consent Order (DCO) from the Secretary of State. The Planning Inspectorate were the Examining Authority (ExA) which would examine the project and make recommendations to the Secretary of State. The examination commenced on 26 March 2024 and was scheduled to have completed by 26 September 2024. As part of the examination, the ExA had invited the Council to submit a Local Impact Report (LIR) and written representations (WR) by Friday 26 April 2024.


Members were advised that it was recommended that an LIR and WR be submitted to the examination, with draft documents presented to the Committee for approval and to delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities to complete, finalise and submit the final LIR and WR by the examination deadline, taking into consideration committee’s comments, and having consulted with the Chairman.


Members of the Committee thanked the Development Management Team Manager for his report and work on the project. They sought assurance as to the safety of the proposed line, with Officers confirming that the risk of a leak occurring was deemed low, however in West Lindsey the line would be running through open space meaning the impact of a leak would also be low.


Having been assured, and with thanks again to Officers, the recommendations contained within the report were duly proposed and seconded. On taking the vote it was unanimously


            RESOLVED that


a)    the invitation be accepted and the submission of a Local Impact Report (LIR) and Written Representations (WR) to be made on the Viking CCS pipeline project at its current examination be approved; and


b)    the draft LIR/WR had been reviewed, and authority be delegated to the Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities to complete, finalise and submit the LIR and WR to the Examination, having taken into consideration the committee’s comments.

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