Agenda item


The Committee heard from the Development Management Team Manager regarding the Local Impact Report (LIR) prepared for the Tillbridge Solar Project Development Consent Order (DCO) examination. It was explained that the 500MW Tillbridge Solar Project, proposed by Tillbridge Solar Ltd, qualified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). It therefore fell to be determined by the Government under the provisions of the Planning Act 2008 (PA2008). It was one of five solar NSIP projects that were proposed within the District. Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects were examined by the Planning Inspectorate, a Government Agency. The Examining Authority (ExA) would make recommendations to the relevant Secretary of State who would then determine the application as to whether to grant a Development Consent Order (DCO). However, host authorities were expected to have an important role to play in the PA2008 process and to participate in the examination process. Members heard that the examination commenced on 15 October 2024 and would run until 15 April 2025. The Secretary of State would be due to have determined the application within 6 months of the examination closing, that being 15 October 2025.


It was explained that as part of the examination process, West Lindsey District Council had been invited to submit a Local Impact Report (LIR). A LIR was defined in legislation as ‘a report in writing giving details of the likely impact of the proposed development on the authority’s area (or any part of that area).’ (Planning Act 2008 Section 60(3)). It was not a requirement for the Council to submit an LIR, however, where one was submitted, the Secretary of State was placed under a statutory duty to have regard to any Local Impact Report when making his decision. It was recommended that the draft LIR appended to the report be reviewed, and responsibility be delegated to the Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities in consultation with the Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee, to complete and submit the final Local Impact Report to the Tillbridge solar examination, having incorporated the feedback of the Committee. Members heard that the deadline for submission had been confirmed as 6 November 2024.


Members of the Committee expressed their thanks for the work undertaken, recognising the importance of the Council submitting the LIR. Members raised concerns regarding the battery storage, citing incidents of fire breaking out on sites in other countries which had proven highly difficult to extinguish. It was explained that this proposal differed from others in that the battery storage was planned to be smaller areas per each set of panels, as opposed to the single large storage area proposed on other sites. It was acknowledged that fire safety was a consideration, with developers expected to follow National Fire Council advice.


A Member of the Committee voiced his concerns regarding the cumulative impact of multiple NSIPs underway in the county. This was not only regarding the present day impact, but also the longer term effect of losing so much active farmland. Additionally, it was enquired as to what the flood risk impact would be, having such swathes of land no longer farmed but used for solar power. Other Members of the Committee expressed their agreement with these concerns, with the Officer confirming the cumulative impact was a focus of both the LIR and Written Representations. With regard to flood risk, it was explained that it was an area of assessment within the application process, with the risk for this particular site being assessed as ‘not significant’, however it did need to be taken into consideration.


Members further voiced concerns that there appeared to be limited long-term impact assessments, noting the proposed timeframe of 60 years, with questions raised as to why there had been no obvious modelling or investigations as to the effect of these sites over such a period of time.


With Members in agreement with the concerns raised, and praising the work undertaken by Officers to complete the LIR, the Chairman read aloud the recommendations contained within the report. Having been proposed, seconded, and voted upon, it was unanimously


            RESOLVED that


a)    the invitation to submit a Local Impact report (LIR) to be made on the Tillbridge Solar DCO examination be accepted and the submission of the same be approved; and


b)    the draft Local Impact report (LIR) prepared for the Tillbridge Solar examination had been reviewed, and authority be delegated to the Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities, following consultation with the Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee, to complete, finalise and submit the LIR to the Examination, having taken into consideration the Committee’s comments.


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