Members gave consideration to a report from the Communities Manager seeking to provide an update on the Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) funding review, and present recommendations on future funding awards. Members heard that the Community Grants Panel, with support from the Communities Team, had conducted a review of Voluntary and Community Sector core funding, as requested by the Prosperous Communities Committee on 19 March 2024. It was noted that West Lindsey District Council was currently one of the most active core funders of voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in comparison with other surrounding local authorities. Based on the rationalisation of the purpose and principles of core funding and the evidence gathered, future eligibility of grantees for core funding had been discussed by the Panel, particularly in the context of potential financial pressures in future years for the council.
It was explained that the Community Grants Panel recommended supporting core funding for all current grantees until March 2026. This was deemed important to ensure sufficient time for planning, fundraising, beneficiary support and effective communication by grantees, partners and the council. It was highlighted that some grantees may benefit from support from, and partnership with, other possible partners including local authorities such as town, parish or county council. At the time of doing the review work, there was continued uncertainty around future finances from Central Government for Local Authorities. This had an impact on the ability to make decisions about future financial commitments to VCS core funding. Discussions with Councillors had highlighted the need for additional engagement with organisations core funded by the council as part of the VCS Core funding review work. This would include additional meetings, interviews and site visits for Councillors to fully understand the role and impact of core funded organisations. A report with future core funding recommendations would be presented to the Prosperous Communities Committee by September 2025.
The Chairman thanked the Communities Manager and extended thanks to the Members of the Community Grants Panel. She noted that the ongoing review would involve invites to meet with different organisations and encouraged Members to be a part of those conversations.
The Committee voiced their collective thanks for the work undertaken, and that of the organisations who provided much needed support and facilities in the communities around the district. The approach for ongoing review was welcomed, with a request that thanks to the Communities Team be put on record. It was also recognised that much of the work funded through the council had wider, immeasurable benefits, for example the tourism pull of the Churches Festival, which saw visitors come to the district from all round the country.
The financial challenges facing these organisations were acknowledged, with Members advocating for additional support to identify savings, efficiencies and alternative funding streams, especially in light of increased budget restrictions within Local Authorities.
Having been moved and seconded, the Chairman took the vote, and it was unanimously
a) the Voluntary & Community Sector funding grants for 2025/26 be approved as follows:
· Call Connect - £30,000
· Citizens Advice Lincoln & Lindsey - £60,200
· Gainsborough Adventure Playground Association - £15,000
· Lincoln Area Dial-a-Ride - £13,000
· Live & Local - £3,500
· The Conservation Volunteers - £30,000
· Voluntary Centre Services - £25,000
· West Lindsey Churches Festival - £8,000
b) the work of the VCS Funding Review be continued as set out in Section 6 of the report and a report be presented to the Prosperous Communities Committee by September 2025.
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