Members heard from the Director of Planning, Regeneration & Communities regarding the West Lindsey Housing Register & Nomination Policy. It was explained that the policy covered the allocation scheme (as required by the Housing Act 1996, as amended by the Homelessness Act 2012 and Localism Act 2011) for West Lindsey District Council. It set out the framework within which West Lindsey operated in the assessment of housing need on the common housing register and the nomination from that register to social rented properties. The policy detailed how eligibility for accessing the housing register was determined, and set out clear parameters for how housing register applications were banded and awarded priority. The policy also explained how the council nominated to registered providers, and the process for those nominations.
Members heard that the main objectives of the Policy were to:
Members of the Committee were requested to approve adoption of the policy, note the introduction of a Home Choices Customer Charter, and for authority for minor amendments to be delegated to the Director for Planning, Regeneration and Communities.
Members of the Committee expressed their thanks for the work which went into the report and associated work within the team. It was requested that it be a matter of record that the team was considered to be amazing, being open and supportive, and providing excellent advice. There was also praise for the Registered Providers, for properties being maintained to a high standard and working closely with the Council. It was recognised that, for many reasons, such as the cost of living crisis, the difficult housing market, and the economic uncertainty, homes and housing was a challenging area, added to which being a rural district brought its own considerations when seeking to provide housing.
Thanks were expressed for the briefing session which had been undertaken by Officers and was open to all Councillors. It was noted that feedback had been offered and incorporated. It was also requested that there be widespread communication regarding the policy, for example through Parish Newsletters.
In response to a question relating to the percentage of nominations open to West Lindsey District Council, it was explained that percentage agreements would depend on how individual schemes were funded at the time of approval, however there was not a 100% blanket share of nominations. It was also clarified that the Housing Register and Nomination Policy did not deal with specialist accommodation, however concerns raised regarding placements by other organisations were noted.
A Member of the Committee enquired as to whether there could be an amendment regarding access for veterans, for the details contained within section seven of the policy to be carried into reference 2.3 of the banding criteria found in appendix A of the policy. It was explained the amendment could be undertaken under the delegation, if authorised by the Committee.
Having been proposed, seconded, and voted upon, it was unanimously
a) the Housing Register and Nomination Policy be adopted; and
b) approval for minor amendments to the policy to be delegated to the Director for Planning, Regeneration and Communities; and
c) the introduction of a Home Choices Customer Charter, to set expectations for customers when accessing West Lindsey’s housing register, be noted.
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