Members were invited to consider options presented to them regarding the provision of a car for use by the Chairman for civic events. It was explained the by Deputy S151 Officer that in February 2024, an options report was brought to this Committee to request a decision on whether to replace the car, dispose of it, or to maintain the existing vehicle with the decision to be brought back to Members to reconsider no later than 28 February 2025. The Committee chose to maintain the existing vehicle for 12 months and to reconsider in February 2025. It was highlighted that the options remained the same.
Councillor S. Bunney, as Chairman of the Council, explained to his colleagues that he had not seen much use for the car, choosing instead to travel himself to events where necessary. His suggestion was for the car to be sold, but for the money to be held for future use if needed.
Another Member of the Committee spoke as a past Chairman, and noted that there were occasions when the use of the car was essential, and that to not have it as an option would preclude some Members from being offered the role of Chairman, if they could not transport themselves around the district and wider area. He suggested that the use of the car could be extended, rather than it being used solely for the Chairman or Vice Chairman whilst undertaking their civic duties. He proposed that the existing car be maintained (option a), with further consideration given to extending the use.
The proposal of option a was seconded, with debate amongst Members focusing on, not only the need to enable anyone to hold the role of Chairman, regardless of ability to provide own transport or not, but also on the financial sense of retaining an existing vehicle rather than needing to spend money on, for example, taxi fares. The suggestion to extend the use of the vehicle was also supported. It was further noted that whilst the terminology of a ‘civic car’ sounded grand, the vehicle in question was an economic option, not a high-spec status car.
With regard to the use of public monies, it was enquired whether there had ever been any public consultation on the matter. It was confirmed there had not been, however Members were keen to make a decision which made financial sense given the current financial situation.
Further comments highlighted the importance of the role of the Chairman, and the security which came with a dedicated vehicle, not only for the person holding the role, but also for the associated regalia. Insurance policies for such regalia often required appropriate security steps to be taken, which were adhered to by using the civic car.
The Chairman summarised the debate, and noted the proposal of option a, to retain the existing vehicle. In hearing the summary of the debate, a Member of the Committee proposed that the item be deferred, in order for further information to be provided regarding options such as extending the use of the car beyond the civic use. This proposal was duly seconded, and, expressing their agreement for the deferral, the original proposal was withdrawn by proposer and seconder.
On taking the vote, it was
RESOLVED that the paper be deferred until a later date for further details to be provided.
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