The Committee heard from the Director of Planning, Regeneration & Communities seeking to inform Members of the revised delivery arrangements for the new Wellbeing Lincs Service and gain approval for signing of the new Collaboration Agreement. It was noted that a decision was made by the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 11 April 2024 to submit a partnership bid for the new Wellbeing Service contract with East Lindsey as host organisation and North Kesteven and City of Lincoln also making up the partnership. A bid was submitted to Lincolnshire County Council for the new contracted Wellbeing Service on 15 July 2024, and, after a number of delays through the system, a decision was received on 24 August 2024 that the partnership had been successful in obtaining the new Wellbeing Service contract. The contract was due to start on 13 January 2025 and would run for a period of five years with potential extensions thereafter of up to a further five years.
Members were provided with a summary of the new contract arrangements, including the transfer of staff members to West Lindsey District Council, the updated collaboration agreement and the budgetary implications. It was highlighted that a report was also being presented to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee at the 12 December meeting, in order to approve the establishment of the revenue budget.
In response to financial queries raised by Members of the Committee, it was explained that, if the council had not been involved in the provision of the service, there would have been a budget deficit. Based on the proposals, there was instead a small net gain. Representation on the board of management was allocated within the council according to who was best placed to understand the requirements of the role, that being the Homes, Health and Wellbeing Team Manager as opposed to a Director.
Members expressed their support for the service, highlighting the benefits which had been seen over the years the service had been in place, and commending the ongoing involvement of the council. It was recognised that ongoing financial concerns would have an impact on the structure and provision of the service, with support given for the new proposals. It was noted that it would be useful for Members to be provided with the most recent annual review of the service, and for there to be an information session for all Councillors in order to explain the amended delivery of the service and highlight the purpose of it, especially for those who may not be aware of the full scope. It was agreed for these actions to be noted and arranged.
In response to concerns raised regarding the commitment of TUPE’ing across the staff members to West Lindsey District Council and the potential risks involved, it was highlighted that, in the event of redundancies, those costs would be covered by the service and not fall on West Lindsey District Council. Members were offered a breakdown of the budget, and it was noted this would also be of assistance to Members of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.
A Member of the Committee enquired as to what would happen in the event of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee not approving the establishment of the revenue budget, if the Committee was not content with the financial implications. It was noted that the Committee would be advised of any risks arising from their decision, if that situation came to pass.
The Chairman thanked Members for their comments, and, having been moved, seconded, and voted upon, with one abstention it was
RESOLVED that the revised delivery arrangements under the new contract be noted, and authority for signing of the final Collaboration Agreement be delegated to the Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities in consultation with the Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee.
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