Agenda item


Members heard from the Commercial Development Manager who provided a review of the cultural events programme delivered during 2024, and explained the report was to seek approval for use of the Cultural Reserve to support the cultural events programme in line with the Cultural Strategy and Action Plan. It was explained that for the previous 18 months, the cultural events programme had been delivered in-house, covering the delivery of events including the market in Gainsborough. In that time, the team had overseen delivery of two Christmas lights festivals, the Revive Festival, the Go Festival, two Word Fests, one in Gainsborough and one in Market Rasen, three Trinity on Tours and the continuation of the highly popular illuminate event, which was centred around the Mayflower heritage.


It was highlighted that the wider district had been supported, working with the parish and town councils, and had included support from the Cultural Events and Marketing Officer, the Towns Manager, and the Cultural Support Officer. Community support and engagement had progressed, and the team continued to work on strengthening the development with partners, community organisations, and colleagues across the district who wanted to be involved in the cultural delivery. It was planned to increase workshops, activities, events, and become more sustainable in the long-term delivery, having those partners on board across the district.


The Committee heard that, to date, success had been evidenced through workshops and collaboration with schools, community and cultural groups, Gainsborough Hall, libraries, the parish church, extra church, connections, ACES and many local businesses. Most recently, the Advocate Arms had been a great support with some of the events that had been delivered in Market Rasen, alongside the town council. Additionally, Alfie’s coffee shop in Gainsborough had been fully supportive, helping make local links into the town centre. There had been sponsorship money received from a few local businesses, although the team were aiming to approach more businesses for similar opportunities.


It was explained that the report as presented to the Committee was asking for the continuation of the service for 2025/26. The figure proposed was for a drawdown from the cultural reserve of £65,500, to maintain the current programme of cultural activity whilst recruitment was underway for the Cultural Development Manager, who would help lead the Council forward with the Arts Council applications for further funding, as well as other organisations and funding bodies which had not yet been explored. The aim was to continue build the portfolio whilst maintaining delivery.


The Officer was thanked for providing a greater amount of detail regarding district-wide offerings, as it was noted this had been missing in previous reports. Members were encouraged by the spread of support on offer across the district, whilst recognising there was further work to be done to extend and maintain the cultural programme outside of the main towns.


In relation to funding opportunities, a Member of the Committee enquired as to whether there were assurances available for achieving outside funding, rather than relying on drawdowns from the reserve funds. It was explained that there were ongoing conversations with the Arts Council, the Greaer Lincolnshire Cultural Network, and Lincolnshire County Council, all with the aim of building relationships and securing onward funding in the future. The role of the Cultural Development Manager would be to seek external funding for the continuity and development of the cultural offering in the district, and it was imperative that the Council was in a position to showcase the cultural strategy in order to be successful in those funding bids.


Members of the Committee highlighted the aspiration for the Council to be a conduit for communities to facilitate their own events and programmes, and for funding to be used to support those community groups and organisations in those endeavours. The role of volunteers was recognised as being key in the success of any events, with Members praising the Council Officers who regularly volunteered for the events such as the Christmas lights and Illuminate. The need to involve grass-roots organisations was emphasised, with events such as the Churches Festival, which brought visitors into the district, being supported by those smaller groups as well as receiving additional funding.


Members expressed thanks and recognition for the events and work which had taken place over the previous 18 months, whilst accepting there was further work to be done to extend the reach and type of cultural opportunities across the district.


Having been proposed, seconded, and voted upon, it was


            RESOLVED that


a)    the delivery of the 2024 cultural events programme be noted; and  


b)    the draw down of £65,500 from the Cultural Reserve as a contribution to the cultural events programme for 2025/26 be approved.


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