The Committee gave consideration to the fourth application of the evening, number 00779, seeking approval of reserved matters considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, Washdyke Lane, Nettleham; this followed outline planning permission for the erection of three dwellings, application number 146424, which was granted 6 October 2023. The Officer introduced the application, explaining that although the initial application was approved, it was requested that any reserved matters applications would return to the Committee. He proceeded to give a short presentation, outlining the key features of the site, its location, and access. The Officer explained that the outline permission specified a condition that no development should be within flood zones two or three; it was highlighted that the dwellings were to the west of the flood zone, which had been accepted by the Environment Agency.
The Chairman thanked the Officer for his presentation and stated that there was one registered speaker; Mr Orridge, as Agent to the Applicant, was invited to address the Committee.
Mr Orridge explained that the Agent and Architect had continued to work closely with the Officers for the reserved matters application. It was explained that the design of the dwellings was in keeping with the local area in Nettleham, whilst maintaining a high architectural standard, and energy efficiency, in line with policies S6 and S7 of the CLLP. The Agent highlighted that the scheme would not cause any privacy concerns and had been designed in accordance with policy S54 of the CLLP, and D4 of the revised Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan. The proposed landscaping, the Agent continued, was designed to work with the existing landscaping on site, which the Tree Officer had raised no concerns about. Mr Orridge outlined various plans, including the private driveway plans, which he highlighted were in accordance with the relevant policies, alongside plans for passing areas. It was emphasised that Lincolnshire County Council Highway’s department had not objected to the proposed scheme due to compliance with their specifications; in addition, two neighbours had responded positively during consultation. The Agent added that the garages and parking areas of all three houses were in flood zone one, as per the conditions in the outline permission; it was stressed that the application would not increase flood risk on site or elsewhere in the surrounding area. He confirmed that to alleviate concerns, adequate information had been provided in accordance with condition eight relating to surface and foul water. He concluded by asking the Committee to treat the proposed development favourably, stating that the plans were fully compliant with the NPPF, the CLLP, and the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan.
The Chairman thanked Mr Orridge for his statement and invited comments from the Committee in the absence of an Officer response.
Cllr J Barrett apologised to the Committee and declared a non-pecuniary interest in application 00779, Washdyke Lane, Nettleham, as the Ward Member for the area. He proceeded to thank the Agent and Case Officer for their work in addressing concerns with the outline application, before declaring that he would not participate in the surrounding discussion or vote.
In relation to a question regarding drainage, the Officer assured the Committee that the Applicant had submitted a Preliminary Drainage Scheme; the Officer’s report outlined that whilst the site was fit for soakaways, indicating that the water would not run into the Nettleham Beck or the surrounding area, the Applicant had demonstrated that they could get a drainage scheme with the specified layout, however they would be required to submit further details of that at a later date.
Cllr Fleetwood declared his membership of the Witham Third Drainage Board via the Council, as well as the Anglian Northern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee for the Environment Agency.
Members of the Committee expressed contentment with the application, noting areas such as the drainage, biodiversity net gain, and hedgehog fencing; therefore, it was proposed that the Officer’s recommendation be accepted.
Having been moved, seconded and voted upon, it was unanimously agreed that planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:
Conditions stating the time by which the development must be commenced:
NONE (See time limits on outline permission 146424)
Conditions which apply or require matters to be agreed before the development commenced:
Conditions which apply or are to be observed during the course of the development:
1. With the exception of the detailed matters referred to by the conditions of this consent, the development hereby approved must be carried out in accordance with the following proposed drawings:
· J1852-PL-03 Rev P02 dated 21st October 2024 – Site Plan
· J1852-PL-04 Rev P03 dated 28th October 2024 – Landscape Plan
· J1852-PL-05 Rev P02 dated 21st October 2024 – Access Plans
· J1852-PL-10 Rev P01 dated 14th June 2024 – Plot 1 Floor Plans
· J1852-PL-11 Rev P02 dated 21st October 2024 – Plot 1 Elevation Plans
· J1852-PL-20 Rev P01 dated 14th June 2024 – Plot 2 Floor Plans
· J1852-PL-21 Rev P02 dated 21st October 2024 – Plot 2 Elevation Plans
· J1852-PL-30 Rev P01 dated 14th June 2024 – Plot 3 Floor Plans
· J1852-PL-31 Rev P02 dated 21st October 2024 – Plot 3 Elevation Plans
· J1852-PL-40 Rev P02 dated 21st October 2024 – Plot 1 Garage Elevation and Floor Plans
· 5031 dated 3rd September 2024 – Tree Protection Plan
The works must be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and in any other approved documents forming part of the application.
Reason: To ensure the development proceeds in accordance with the approved plans and to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework, local policy S47, S53 and S66 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2023 and D1, D4 and D6 of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan.
2. No occupation of each individual dwelling must take place until the individual dwellings driveway identified on site plan J1852-PL-03 Rev P02 dated 21st October 2024 has been fully completed and retained for that use thereafter.
Reason: To ensure safe access to the site and each dwelling/building in the interests of residential amenity, convenience and safety and to allow vehicles to enter and leave the highway in a forward gear in the interests of highway safety to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework, local policy S47 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2023 and policy D1, D4 and D6 of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan.
Conditions which apply or relate to matters which are to be observed following completion of the development:
3. All planting or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping (J1852-PL-04 Rev P03 dated 28th October 2024) must be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased must be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. The landscaping should be retained thereafter.
Reason: To ensure that appropriate soft landscaping including new and infill planting are provided within the site to mitigate for the trees which are to be removed to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework, local policies S53 and S66 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2023 and policy D4 and D6 of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan.
Supporting documents: