Agenda item

In accordance with the provisions of Section 16 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, to appoint Members to Committees for the Civic Year, in accordance with the wishes expressed by the Political Groups.


*A report with completed appointments will be issued by way of supplement.




As result of the committee allocations having been amended under Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the Council was required to reappoint to its Committees to reflect the new allocations.


The Chairman of the Council presented the report which set out the wishes expressed by the political Groups, based on their allocations, in respect of the appointment of Members to serve on each of the Council’s formal Committees for the remainder of 2024/25 Civic Year.


At the time of the report’s publication, 4 nominations were awaited from the Administration Group, the Chairman provided these verbally to the meeting as follows: -


Corporate Policy and Resources – Councillor Velan

Prosperous Communities Committee – Councillor Mullally

Planning Committee- Councillor Swift

Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Councillor Bailey


With no questions or comments, having been proposed and seconded it was: - 


RESOLVED that in accordance with the provisions of section 16 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, and the wishes expressed by political groups, Members be appointed to serve on the Council’s Committees for the remainder of 2024/25 civic year as follows: -


Chief Officer Employment Committee (8 Members)


Councillor Owen Bierley  

Councillor Mrs Jackie Brockway  

Councillor Jeanette McGhee 

Councillor Peter Morris  

Councillor Mrs Lesley Rollings

Councillor Mrs Mandy Snee 

Councillor Moira Westley 

Councillor Trevor Young  



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (14 Members)


Councillor Owen Bierley  

Councillor Matthew Boles  

Councillor Trevor Bridgwood

Councillor Frazer Brown  

Councillor Stephen Bunney  

Councillor Ian Fleetwood  

Councillor Paul Key

Councillor Roger Patterson  

Councillor Mrs Lesley Rollings 

Councillor Tom Smith  

Councillor Mrs Mandy Snee  

Councillor Paul Swift

Councillor Baptiste Velan

Councillor Trevor Young



Governance and Audit Committee (8 Members)


Councillor Stephen Bunney

Councillor Mrs Jackie Brockway

Councillor John Barrett 

Councillor Christopher Darcel  

Councillor David Dobbie 

Councillor Sabastian Hague  

Councillor Mrs Angela Lawrence  

Councillor Baptiste Velan


Licensing Committee (11 Members)


Councillor John Barrett  

Councillor Eve Bennett  

Councillor Liz Clews  

Councillor David Dobbie  

Councillor Mrs Angela Lawrence  

Councillor Paul Lee  

Councillor Maureen Palmer

Councillor Mrs Diana Rodgers 

Councillor Jim Snee  

Councillor Mrs Mandy Snee

Councillor Baptiste Velan                           



Regulatory Committee (11 Members)


Councillor John Barrett  

Councillor Eve Bennett  

Councillor Liz Clews  

Councillor David Dobbie  

Councillor Mrs Angela Lawrence  

Councillor Paul Lee  

Councillor Maureen Palmer

Councillor Mrs Diana Rodgers 

Councillor Jim Snee  

Councillor Mrs Mandy Snee

Councillor Baptiste Velan                           


Planning Committee (14 Members)


Councillor Emma Bailey  

Councillor John Barrett 

Councillor Owen Bierley

Councillor Matthew Boles

Councillor Karen Carless  

Councillor David Dobbie  

Councillor Ian Fleetwood  

Councillor Sabastian Hague  

Councillor Peter Morris

Councillor Roger Patterson 

Councillor Roger Pilgrim

Councillor Tom Smith 

Councillor Jim Snee 

Councillor Paul Swift               


Prosperous Communities Committee (14 Members)


Councillor Emma Bailey 

Councillor Owen Bierley  

Councillor Frazer Brown  

Councillor Stephen Bunney  

Councillor Karen Carless

Councillor Chris Darcel  

Councillor Jacob Flear  

Councillor Paul Lee 

Councillor Jeanette McGhee 

Councillor Peter Morris

Councillor Lynda Mullally

Councillor Roger Patterson  

Councillor Mrs Lesley Rollings 

Councillor Trevor Young 



Overview and Scrutiny Committee (14 members)


Councillor Emma Bailey

Councillor John Barrett

Councillor Eve Bennett

Councillor Trevor Bridgwood

Councillor Liz Clews

Councillor Adam Duguid

Councillor Jacob Flear

Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan

Councillor Paul Key 

Councillor Paul Lee

Councillor Lynda Mullally  

Councillor Maureen Palmer  

Councillor Roger Pilgrim  

Councillor Moira Westley



Supporting documents: