*A report with completed appointments will be issued by way of supplement.
Having re-appointed the Committees, the report under consideration sought to appoint Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen to each of the Committees.
A Member of the Opposition addressed the Administration over what she described as a lack of transparency and poor governance, questioned the Leader and Deputy over the number of positions they held, and the allowances connected to these positions. It was raised that the Administration had not offered any chairmanships to the Opposition Group, as a result it was suggested opportunity was not provided to share experience at a senior level nor did it allow for proper scrutiny and opposition insight.
For these reasons, she proposed two amendments as follows:
(1) That Councillors Young and Rollings withdraw from their proposed chairman and vice-chairmanships, giving one chairmanship and vice-chairmanship to other LibDems, and the other chair and vice-chair to the Opposition group.
(2) West Lindsey District Councillors should receive remuneration for only one SRA (Special Responsibility Allowance), regardless of however many chairmanships, vice-chairmanships, or other positions they may hold on the council, beyond that of councillor'.
The Administration expressed their strong discontent, at what was deemed to be a personal attack on two Members and the wider Administration. The Deputy Leader outlined the high level of new Councillors the Administration had from May 2023, great time had been given to try and afford new Members experience whilst they gained knowledge. Strong assurance was given that all Members of the Administration who wished to hold a position did so, with many having working commitments which made this more difficult.
Further political exchanges ensued, with the Chairman bringing Members back to the amendments. With the required number of Members requesting the amendments be dealt with by recorded vote, amendment 1: -
That Councillors Young and Rollings withdraw from their proposed chairman and vice-chairmanships, giving one chairmanship and vice-chairmanship to other Lib Dems, and the other chair and vice-chair to the Opposition group.
was put to the vote, with votes cast in the following manner: -
For: Councillors Barrett, Bierley, Bridgwood, Brockway, Brown, Fleetwood, Lee, Morris, Palmer, Patterson, Pilgrim and Smith. (12)
Against: Councillors Bailey, Bennett, Boles, Bunney, Carless, Clews, Dobbie, Flear, Hague Mullally, Rollings, Snee J, Snee M, Swift, Velan, Westley and Young (17)
Abstentions: Councillors Darcel, Duguid, Lawrence and Rodgers (4)
With a total of 12 votes cast in favour of the amendment, 17 votes against and 4 abstentions.
The amendment was declared LOST.
Again, with the required number of Members requesting the amendment be dealt with by recorded vote, amendment 2: -
West Lindsey District Councillors should receive remuneration for only one SRA (Special Responsibility Allowance), regardless of however many chairmanships, vice-chairmanships, or other positions they may hold on the council, beyond that of councillor'.
was put to the vote, with votes cast in the following manner: -
For: Councillors Bierley, Brockway, Brown, Fleetwood, Lawrence, Morris, Palmer, Pilgrim and Smith. (9)
Against: Councillors Bailey, Bennett, Boles, Bunney, Carless, Clews, Dobbie, Flear, Hague Mullally, Rollings, Snee J, Snee M, Swift, Velan, Westley and Young (17)
Abstentions: Councillors Barrett, Bridgwood, Darcel, Duguid, Lee, Patterson and Rodgers (7)
With a total of 9 votes cast in favour of the amendment, 17 votes against and 7 abstentions.
The amendment was declared LOST.
At the request of the Leader the Monitoring Officer, offered procedural advice indicating that the appointment of Chairmanships was a Council decision, and as such the amendment had been acceptable.
Further political exchange ensued during which it was suggested Members at Lincolnshire Couty received multiple allowances, resulting in a point of information being raised and permitted by the Chairman. Councillor Smith advised Council that the County Council’s published allowance scheme only allowed for one SRA to be payable
At the request of the Chairman, the Monitoring Officer addressed Council noting that debate had turned to the matter of members allowances, rather than the appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen. This matter had been considered earlier in the evening and as such should Members wish to amend that Scheme and apply different allowance a report would need to be brought back to council after going through the usual governance processes.
Bringing the debate to an end, with all amendments falling and with no counter nominations made, having been proposed and seconded, it was: -
RESOLVED that the following persons be appointed as Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen, for the remainder of the 2024/25 Civic Year to the following Committees:
Committee |
Chairman |
Vice Chairman/men |
Chief Officer Employment Committee |
Councillor Moira Westley |
Councillor Mandy Snee |
Corporate Policy and Resources Committee |
Councillor Trevor Young |
Councillor Lesley Rollings Councillor Paul Swift |
Planning Committee |
Councillor Matt Boles |
Councillor Jim Snee |
Governance and Audit Committee |
Councillor Stephen Bunney |
Councillor David Dobbie Councillor Velan Baptiste |
*Licensing Committee |
Councillor Jim Snee |
Councillor Mandy Snee |
Overview and Scrutiny Committee |
Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan |
Councillor Jacob Flear Councillor Moira Westley |
*Regulatory Committee |
Councillor Jim Snee |
Councillor Mandy Snee |
Prosperous Communities Committee |
Councillor Lesley Rollings |
Councillor Trevor Young Councillor Emma Bailey |
Supporting documents: