Agenda item


The Principal Development Management Officer presented a report which sought to assess planning application 133815 (Outline application for the erection of 135 dwellings, a community hub comprising of up to 200sq.m shop use- class A1, 300sq.m restaurant café – Class A3 and 300 sq.m community hall – Class D1, ancillary public open space, landscaping, drainage and access) on land off Gainsborough Road, Lea; and ascertain the views of the Committee in advance of a planning appeal against the non-determination of the application.


The Chairman made comments in relation to the CLLP regarding the proposed unsustainable level of development.  Gainsborough was allocated for significant growth already comprising planning permission for a large number of houses, the proposed development would add a further large unsustainable number in a village location.  Under LP2 Lea was proposed to be allocated developments of up to nine dwellings, or up to 25 on exceptional sites.


The recommendations were moved for approval as they summarised concisely the reasons for refusal: in that the number of dwellings proposed was significantly above that which was deemed appropriate for a village with limited facilities and connections, the impact on the Area of Great Landscape Value, the lack of sufficient information and the impact on the archaeology/ecology of the site were all matters for consideration.  The comments were echoed by other Committee Members and the proposal was seconded.


Note: Councillor Cotton declared a personal interest in that he was the Minister for Lea.


Members also commented on the flooding of the site and that it was a natural basin, however the Principal Development Management Officer noted that the dwellings were proposed to be outside of the flood zone, land levels including the access road would be increased above flood levels. It was also noted that it was possible that the appellant could submit additional information to the Inspectorate before the hearing which may address the concerns of the Council with respect to refusal reasons 2 and 3.

Having been moved and seconded, the Committee voted and it was RESOLVED that:

That the Council would have been minded to refuse planning permission on the following grounds:

1.    The development proposed within an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) alongside a subsidiary rural settlement. Development at the scale proposed would result in the growth of this subsidiary rural settlement at unsustainable levels in view of its limited facilities, being heavily dependent on private vehicles to access employment, retail and other basic facilities. It would adversely harm the sensitive landscape setting and character of this rural village. Development would conflict with and potentially undermine the growth strategy being advocated by the emerging Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. The adverse impacts of development would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of development and the development does not meet the NPPF presumption in favour of sustainable development. Development does not comply with the policies of the West Lindsey Local Plan First Review (2006), most particularly policies STRAT1, STRAT9, STRAT12, STRAT19, NBE10 and NBE20.


2.    Insufficient information has been provided to show that the development could be accommodated without undue harm to the ecology of the locally important designated nature area (Local Wildlife Site contrary to saved policies of the West Lindsey Local Plan First Review (2006), most particularly policies STRAT1 and NBE12.


3.    Insufficient information has been provided to show that the development could be accommodated without undue harm to the archaeology of the area contrary to saved policy STRAT1 of the West Lindsey Local Plan First Review (2006).




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