Agenda item

PROPOSAL:  Application to vary condition 2 of planning permission 131962 granted 28 January 2015 - increase number of event days from 4 per calendar month to 48 per calendar year at Willowbanks Stables, Pelham Road, Claxby.


RECOMMENDED DECISION:  Grant permission subject to conditions



Application to vary condition 2 of planning permission 131962 granted 28 January 2015 - increase number of event days from four per calendar month to 48 per calendar year at Willowbanks Stables, Pelham Road, Claxby.


Cllr Tony Bowers of Claxby Parish Council informed the Committee that the Parish Council objected to the variation of the current condition.  It was considered that the main access to the site was in a dangerous condition.  Whilst two passing places had been created these had proved too small and were not being maintained.  The rest of the road was too narrow and there were many potholes.  It was felt that the increase in the number of events would be excessive, as access was usally through the village despite weight restrictions which were often ignored.  There would be an unacceptable increase in noise, disturbance and light pollution.


Phil Raven spoke as a neighbouring resident, staing that whilst the establishment was appropriate for the countryside and he wished it every success, the owners must listen to the concerns of residents, which though small in number were unanimous.  The change of frequency of events would lead to a concentration in the summer months, and recent events had seen 100s of visitors to the site.  A retrospective application had recently been submitted for additional parking provision.  The public address system and use of a claxon were a public nuisance and the sound levels had been measured on a quiet day.  These were occasionally intolerable.


The Principal Development Management Officer noted that the Highways Authority  had acknowledged the current state of the roads, but that the proposed amendment to condition would not lead to an increase in traffic.  Any concerns with the condition of the highway were a matter for Lincolnshire County Council and should be addressed as such and not be relevant to the determination of the application.  A separate application was currently pending which included amplified noise related conditions. It had, however, been shown through the noise assessment that an event could take place without significant nuisance indicating that this was a matter of the management of such events. 


Clarification was sought on the hours of operation, and whether the site was in the ‘Dark Skies’ part of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty which would suffer from light pollution.  It was affirmed that the site was on the edge of the AONB, and lighting conditions were the same as those imposed through planning approvals 131962 and 128298 which related to the erection of flood lighting and any breaches to be monitored.


It was acknowledged that the business was an established rural facility in a rural location and that there was no proposed increase in the number of events over the year.  However concerns were expressed that there would be a significant increase over the summer months and possibly three or four day events over Bank Holiday weekends.  The Principal Development Management Officer noted that this could take place at present.


Councillor McNeill suggested that there was insufficent detail regarding the Highways position on the proposals and that the application be deferred, however the legal advice given was that the Highways Authority had given their statement with all the knowledge available to them and awareness of alternative possibilities and applied their expertise accordingly.  Councillor McNeill withdrew his proposal.


Clarification was sought on the interpretation of Condition 4 in that no more than four horses be kept on site at any time.  It was affirmed that this referred to the stabling of horses.


The recommendation to approve the proposals was moved and seconded and on being voted upon it was AGREED that permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


Members of the Committee felt it would be appreciated that if a Ward Member had called an application in for Committee determination then they attend the meeting to speak on the matter.


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