Agenda item

Planning application to erect 64 dwellings with roads, garages andresidential parking, including community parking and public open spaces on land North of Honeyholes Lane, Dunholme.


Planning application to erect 64 dwellings with roads, garages andresidential parking, including community parking and public open spaces on land North of Honeyholes Lane, Dunholme.


The Principal Development Management Officer informed the meeting that a letter had been received from the Chairman of Governors of Dunholme St Chads CoE Primary School, stating that the school had recently had to increase its capacity to accommodate additional children, and requested that any s106 contribution monies be directed to the school to update the existing facilities to make them fit for purpose.


Councillor Cotton sought clarification as to whether the school was voluntary or church aided, as this information was not available, Councillor Cotton took the decision to declare a personal interest and not take part in the determination of the application, as a minister of the church.


AnjumSawhney spoke as the Chairman of the Parish Council, noting that the report did not address the loss of open space that could occur if the application was granted.  The primary path to the school would be reduced and there would be a loss of amenity.  Mr Sawhney also commented on the lack of communication and consultation with the applicant, even though invitations had been issued to attend meetings.  The original application had been well laid out and supported, however the proposed additional housing had been wedged in to a previously good application.  It was feared that a further application would be submitted for a greater increase in the future.  This application was now sited within a green area which had been used to defend against other applications and been supported by the Inspector.


Councillor Steve England, present as Ward Member, noted that the Neighbourhood Plan had encouraged the development of the site of the previous application, but that the current application represented a 30% increase.  The Housing Needs Survey recommended a mix of all types of housing, however the proposal appeared to be mainly for larger dwellings, and the layout concentrated the affordable homes in one area rather than them being integrated across the development.  The surface water drainage scheme was not acceptable to Anglian Water, and there were concerns that no responses had been received from the NHS or LEA.  It was felt that if the application was for Outline Permission the outstanding issues could be addressed.


The Principal Development Management Officer indicated that the provision of open space was not significantly different to the previous application, although the sports and recreation facility was not now included.  The density of 25 dwellings per ha. should not be considered as high.  The Anglian Water objections to the drainage strategy could be addressed by conditions.  Whilst the green wedge had been defended at appeal on other sites, this site was now allocated for housing within the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and Dunholme Neighbourhood Plan.


Members of the Committee debated the housing mix and felt that the bias was in favour of four bedroomed homes, and that the affordable housing should be ‘pepper potted’ across the development.  Concerns were expressed regarding the lack of dialogue with the developer, as there were benefits to all parties through proper consultation.  Further reservations were expressed regarding school capacity and the inability of local children to gain places at their local school.


The Committee was reminded that valid Planning Policy reasons would need to be provided to refuse the application.  Councillor Smith proposed that the proposals were contrary to Policies LP52, LP24, LP22, LP11 and LP10, and therefore proposed refusal on these grounds.


The proposal to refuse permission was seconded and on being voted upon it was AGREED that permission be REFUSED for the reasons as set out below.


Contrary to policy LP52 – Overdevelopment of the site above the level identified in LP52 and the Dunholme Neighbourhood Plan

Contrary to policy LP24 – insufficient new open space provided, contrary to policy

Contrary to policy LP22 – adverse impact on the adjacent open space allocated in the local and neighbourhood plan

Contrary to policy LP11 – a lack of integration of affordable housing across the site, resulting in a layout contrary to the integration required by the policy

Contrary to policy LP10 – development would fail to provide a mix of housing types needed to deliver a balanced site meeting different local needs


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