Agenda item


The Challenge and Improvement Committee at its meeting on 1 September 2015 had resolved to establish a task and finish group of members (supported by officers) to investigate responses to incidents and anti-social behaviour and criminal activity in the South West Ward of Gainsborough. The members of the group were agreed as Cllrs Howitt-Cowan, J. McNeill and Young.


This Working Group identified, among other things, that more effective action was needed to the area. In closing the group it was agreed that the measures taken through the localism review had the potential to deal with the issues.


However it was agreed at the 28 September 2016 briefing that the report should contain a recommendation to review the effectiveness of the work in the South West Ward in six months’ time.


Members therefore gave consideration to a report which sought to update the Committee on the effectiveness of those internal changes and also provided an update on the improved focus given to the SWW Partnership Group to help address the issues.    


The Senior Community Action Officer, as Lead Officer for this project, addressed the Committee, providing details of the steps which had been taken to re-focus the Partnership, as outlined in Section 2 of the report.  As a result of the work, the SWW Partnership had been re-focussed to concentrate on two main areas, these being People (reducing vulnerability) and the Environment.   Further details regarding the steps taken to date and planned actions within the two focus areas were shared with the Committee as outlined in Sections 3 and 4 of the report. Areas particularly highlighted to the Committee were the changes made to the Vulnerable Adults Panel, widening its term of reference and allowing referrals based on a wider set of needs, and the work of the newly appointed Community Action and Enforcement Officer. The level of day to day enforcement had increased and greater use was been made of fixed penalty notices and community protection notices.  An Enviro Crime Strategy was in development and would be presented to the Prosperous Communities Committee in the Autumn.


It was also noted that the Selective Licensing Scheme, adopted in July 2016 was also beginning to have a positive impact in the area and Officers undertook to provide case studies, outside of the meeting, of where the work being undertook had achieved real results and had improved conditions for residents.


In responding to Members’ questions, Officers confirmed that a vulnerable person concern could be reported via the Council and they would ensure this was referred to the appropriate agency.  Members enquired how this service was been promoted and whilst noting Community Leads were now Members of the Panel and as such were the “eyes and ears” of the community it was suggested that work should be undertaken with schools etc and via social media to promote the referral scheme.


Members welcomed the increased use of enforcement as this would help instil community pride and give others the confidence to report issues and concerns.


It was confirmed that the Early Help Team, as they were now known, were part of the Partnership, however it was acknowledged that links could be improved and Officers continued to work on building these.


Assurance was sought and received that appropriate arrangements were in place for sharing sensitive information, including the use of secure government e-mail, known as gcsx accounts; information sharing agreements and project specific agreements.


The Committee welcomed the work undertaken to date and requested a further update report be submitted in six months’ time.


RESOLVED that: -


(a)          the Committee have assurance that the right steps are being taken to tackle anti-social behaviour and criminal activity in the SWW; and


(b)          a further update report be submitted in six months’ time.





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