Agenda item

Hybrid application for approval of reserved matters for up to 130no. dwellings, a new building to provide up to 25no. apartments for retirement living and a full application for a public house/restaurant-as approved at appeal under hybrid application 133284


Hybrid application for approval of reserved matters for up to 130no. dwellings, a new building to provide up to 25no. apartments for retirement living and a full application for a public house/restaurant – as approved at appeal under hybrid application 133284.


In terms of updates, it was stated that a late objection was received which raised no new issues and also that there were additions to conditions suggested which had been sent to Members of this planning committee.


Note: The updated conditions are shown in bold/italics in the quoted text inserted below.


‘ITEM 6(c) Additions to existing conditions for reserved matters and full planning permission set out below in bold/italics.


Reserved Matters Permission

Conditions – addition of text in ‘bold/italics


7. With the exception of the detailed matters referred to by the conditions of this consent, the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawings:


002 REV H ; 0101 REV E; 0102 REV D; 0103 REV C; 0104 REV C; 0105 REV C; 0106 REV E; 0301 REV F; 0302 REV G; 0303 REV E; 0304 REV D; 0305 REV D; 0306 REV E;1001 REV C; 1002 REV A, 1003 REV A; 1004 A; 1005 REV B 1006 REV B; 1007 REV B ;1008 REV B ;1009 REV B 1010 REV B ;1011 REV B ;1012 REV B ;1013 REV A; 1014 REV A; 1015 REV A; 1016 REV A; 1017 REV A; 1018 REV A; 1019 REV A; 1020 REV B; 1021 REV B; 1022 REV B; 1023 REV A; 1024 REV B; 1025 REV A; 1026 REV A; 1027 REV A; 1028 REV A; 1029 REV A; 1030 REV B; 1031 REV A; 1032 REV A: 1033 REV A; 1034 REV A; 1035 REV B; 1036 REV B; 1037 REV A; 1038 REV B; 1039 REV A; 1040 REV A; 1041 REV B; 1042 REV A; 1043 REV B; 1044 REV A; 1045 REV B; 1046 REV A;


1047 REV A; 1048 REV B; 1049 REV A; 1050 REV A; 1051 REV A; 1052 REV A; 1053 REV A; 1054 REV A; 1055 REV A; 1056 REV B; 1057 REVA ; 1058 REV A; 1059 REV A; 1060 REV A; 1061 REV A; 1062 REV A: 1063 REV A; 1064 REV A; 1065 REV A; 1066 REV A; 1067 REV A; 1068 REV A; 1069 REV A; 1070 REV B ;1071 REV B; 1072 REV B; 1073 REV A; 1074 REV A; 1075 REV A; 1076 REV A; 1077 REV A; 1078 REV B 1079 REV A; 1080 REV A; 1081 REV A; 1082 REV A: 1083 REV A; 1084 REV B; 1085 REV A; 1086 REV B; 1087 REV A; 1088 REV B; 1089 REV A; 1090 REV B; 1091 REV A; 1092 REV B: 1093 REV A; 1094 REV A; 1095 REV A; 1096 REV A; 1097 REV A; 1098 REV A; 1201 REV B; 1215 REV *; 1216 REV *: 1250 REV A; 1251 REV A; 1252: 1253; 2400 REV B; 2401 REV B;


The works shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and in any other approved documents forming part of the application.


Reason: In the interests of clarity and proper planning.

Public House / Restaurant permission:

Addition of text in ‘bold/italics’


4. No development shall take place until details of all external and roofing materials to be used have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall only be carried out using the agreed materials. The details submitted must include

i. all external windows and doors, cill and window header details


ii. eaves and verges including barge boards


Reason: To ensure the use of appropriate materials in the interests of visual amenity and the character and appearance of the site and the surrounding area.’


The responsible Officer stated that this was a controversial application and asked for permission to go through the PowerPoint Presentation to give Members a better idea where the development was going to take place. The Officer than outlined the plans, including the design solutions and materials used, access issues, rights of way and the conditions which were imposed in relation to this application.


Mr James Rigby of Glove Consultants Limited spoke as the agent of the applicant - in support of the application. Mr Rigby explained the lengthy design process they had gone through working closely with a team of talented landscape architects, ecologists and designers to deliver a new residential environment of the highest quality which respected its context and the character of the village leading to this low density development. The proposed layout was very much a landscape led scheme. Throughout the consultation process amendments had been made which greatly improved the scheme. The scheme would provide the stipulated 25% affordable housing. The Parish council were keen for the scheme to provide affordable housing for young people which the proposed layout reflected. 52% of the 130 dwellings would be two or three bedroom properties which consisted 68 properties aimed at young families getting onto the property ladder or could provide an opportunity for people in the village to downsize. Access to Sudbrooke Wood would be improved to allow access all year round. Local companies were to be appointed to carry out the building work.


In response to Cllr McNeill’s question about the relevance of the previous inspector’s decision on this application, Officers confirmed that the planning permission previously granted approval to the principal of the development which was before Members to decide on the night and also to the access to the site itself, so this was a significant material consideration.


The application was proposed, seconded and voted upon and approved unanimously.


It was therefore AGREED that the application be APPROVED.

Supporting documents: