Agenda item


Consideration was given to a report which provided Members with proposals on how the budget consultation for the 2018/19 budget would be undertaken, including use of an online budget simulator.


In presenting the report the Director of Resources outlined the principles any formal consultation must adhere to, and the multiple routes which were being proposed to ensure as wide a range of views as possible could be sought.  This included holding 3 events across the District, an online tool, social media question and answer session and a survey to businesses.


Further detail on each consultation route was provided, together with timescales on when the consultation would be undertaken.


It was noted that the use of budget consultation software was being proposed in response to previous feedback to make the consultation more interactive, Members were then given a demonstration of the software, the features it offered and the questions and options respondents would be asked and given.


Debate ensued and Members welcomed the use of the software.  Whilst accepting the software was still in development, Members urged Officers to ensure the introductory wording and language used on each page was as understandable and as relevant as possible to the public. 


In response Officers indicated that prior to the consultation software going live, they would share the proposed final version with all Members of the Committee in order that they could comment and feedback on issues such as wording and layout.


Members recognised the extra dimension this tool provided to engage the public, and commented that it was likely to attract different people to take part.  Consultation events had their place in any consultation process, however it was important that consultation was offered in new, modern and engaging ways also, and this software appeared to have that ability.


In response to the suggestion that other subjects could be consulted on whilst seeking views on the budget, namely green waste charging, Officers indicated that this matter would require its own consultation and the two would likely overlap, hence why it had not been included.


It was also suggested that the budget consultation event could offer an opportunity to raise awareness of rural funding issues.  The Leader indicated he was considering submitting a motion to Full Council on this matter.


A Member sought detail regarding the basis on which the software had been procured, indicating that a number of large parishes, if possible, may welcome the opportunity to share its use.  Engaging residents in consultation was important, yet often difficult to gain a range of views and this tool had the potential to attract wider responses.


Officers advised this had been bought on a licence basis costing around £1,000 pa and if parishes wished to share its use this could be investigated.


In response to a Member question Officers advised that it was being proposed that through the budget simulator, residents would not be offered the opportunity to increase budgets in service areas, the reason being that if consultation responses of this nature were sought and received, arguably they would be of little value, as currently the Authority did not have additional funds to commit.


RESOLVED that the proposal for consulting on the 2018/19 budget be agreed.




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