Agenda item

As at 24 August 2017, two questions have been received pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No.9.  These will be circulated to Members under separate cover, once the deadline for questions has expired. 


Councillor Matthew Boles submitted the following question to the meeting:


Councillor Bibb, Do you consider the councils selective licencing scheme to have been a success or to have solved any of the issues it was sent up and envisaged to do?


Or do you agree with many residents in the North Ward and myself that it has not solved any issues it has simply moved them from one area of Gainsborough to another?


The Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee, Councillor Mrs Sheila Bibb, responded:-


Thank you Madam Chairman, and thank you Councillor Boles for raising this question.


Selective licensing was introduced in a limited area of Gainsborough just over 1 year ago and we are now reaching the end of the first phase of the process. As with all such things it takes a while to see results and even longer before we can draw any substantiated conclusions. In this case, where the focus has been on the landlord, we are starting to see the anticipated results with regard to the properties involved. The vast majority of landlords have engaged with the scheme proactively and positively and are meeting its requirements. The first set of prosecutions for rogue landlords are underway and improvements to property conditions across the area have been made. As we move into Phase 2, where the focus will be on further addressing unlicensed and criminal landlords, alongside tenant behaviour, we can expect to see further changes. An update on Selective Licensing will be coming to Prosperous Communities in October and this should give a better understanding of the success of this measure to date.


With regard to the second part of the question concerning the movement of issues to other areas of Gainsborough, I too note these reports. However, at this time there is nothing, so far as I am aware, to directly tie any such movement to the work which has been done to date with Selective Licensing. I will be seeking regular reports on this situation as it is one of concern.  Officers involved in the scheme are happy to meet with Cllr Boles directly to discuss this and consider it further.


Councillor Boles indicated he welcomed the offer to meet with Officers and the Chairman of the Committee to further discuss his concerns.



Councillor Matthew Boles had also submitted the following question to the meeting:


Councillor Summers your long term support for the re-introduction of car parking in Gainsborough Town centre is well documented and appreciated.

However during the recent car parking review by WLDC this option seemed to be over looked and discarded which was a disappointment to many in the town especially Town Centre businesses.


I have recently been asked by town businesses to facilitate a meeting with Lincolnshire County Council’s highway department, West Lindsey District Council, Gainsborough Town Council and Business representatives to discuss this matter and all possible options available.


Could you please commit to supporting and attending such a meeting?

(I will be asking for a similar commitment from the County Council portfolio holder for Highways at LCC full council on 15/9/17)


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Jeff Summers, responded:-

Thank you for your question Councillor Boles.

As you quite rightly say, I have been a supporter of bringing car parking back into the market place. I am delighted to now be supported by a Gainsborough Town, and County Councillor.

Once again I must reiterate there is a need for us to create commercial equity across the town centre, and I am prepared to work with all parties to secure the best commercial and social arrangements possible for the town.

Recently I have discussed the issue with County Council Officers, who have offered to investigate what the process would be to have the highways designation removed from the market place, establish it as a car park and potentially hand it over to West Lindsey.

Please do not run away with the idea this will happen, it is being investigated.

Thank you. Councillor Boles

Councillor Boles thanked the Leader.