Agenda item

Reserved matters application for erection of 49no. dwellings, sportsfacility and additional car parking - following outline planning permission 131087 allowed on appeal 26 February 2016.


Planning application for erection of 49 dwellings, a sports facility and additional car parking, following outline planning permission 131087 allowed on appeal on 26 February 2016, at “Land North of Honeyholes Lane Dunholme, Lincoln LN2 3SQ”.


In presenting the report, the Planning Development Management Officer advised that additional conditions had been requested from the Highways Department, and these were shared with Members.


Simon Ibbotson, an architect representing Cyden Homes addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application: 


·         It was noted that the reserved matters would include soft landscaping to the northern boundary of the site where the curtilage abuts this boundary; 

·         The layout had been coordinated with Planning and Housing Officers from the Local Authority and it accorded with the adopted policies of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and the Dunholme Neighbourhood Plan; 

·         Within the proposed development, the twelve affordable houses now integrate more seamlessly into the layout, and the housing mix has been addressed.  Four of the houses were fully wheelchair compliant;

·         A five metre wide landscape buffer zone of native hedgerows and trees had been created on the northern boundary, and no buildings would be created in this area.  A three metre wide adoptable footpath and cycle path would be created on the south of the site at Honeyholes Lane.


Councillor Simon Barrett from Dunholme Parish Council addressed the Committee and provided the following observations and concerns of the Parish Council:


·         The development in Dunholme was welcomed, however there were some concerns over the development;

·         The Parish Council did not feel that there had been adequate consultation with themselves or the community;

·         The site failed to meet LP24 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan in respect of the sports and recreation facilities proposed;

·         The plan did not meet LP22 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, nor Policy 11 of the Dunholme Neighbourhood Plan with regard to the adjacent green wedge;

·         The development did not meet the Affordable Housing Policy, and there was also concern that the proposed affordable housing was in blocks, rather than spread around the development;

·         In the original plan put forward, an agreement was made with the landowner for an amount of money that would be made available to the Parish Council; certain stipulations have been put on this with regard to the amount of houses that have to be occupied before the money is released.  It was felt that this was contrary to the initial agreement;

·         The Section 106 agreement did not help Dunholme St.Chad’s primary School in any way; the school is already at capacity and is desperately in need of funds.


George Backovic, Principal Development Management Officer responded to comments from speakers as follows:


·         A section 106 had been signed at the outline stage, and the report provided further detail in terms of the amount of monies that were agreed and this was a matter that could not be revisited by a reserved matters application.


Councillors McNeill, Patterson and Bierley spoke in favour of the application and were happy to support the recommendation in the report.


It was moved and seconded that permission be GRANTED in accordance with the conditions as set out in the report subject to the additional conditions below.


Updated Conditions


6.    No dwellings (or other development as specified) shall be commenced before the first 60 metres of estate road from its junction with the public highway, including visibility splays, as shown on drawing number 178/202 B dated May 2017 has been completed.

Reason: In the interests of safety of the users of the public highway and the safety of the users of the site and to enable calling vehicles to wait clear of the carriageway of Honeyholes Lane.


7.    No development shall be commenced until an Estate Street Phasing and Completion Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Estate Street Phasing and Completion Plan shall set out the development phases and the standards that estate streets serving each phase of the development will be completed.

Reason: To ensure that the estate streets serving the development are completed and thereafter maintained to an acceptable standard in the interest of residential/highway safety; and to ensure a satisfactory appearance to the highways infrastructure serving the development; and to safeguard the visual amenities of the locality


8.    No dwelling shall be occupied until the estate street(s) affording access to that dwelling has been completed in accordance with the Estate Street Development Plan.

Reason: To ensure that the estate streets serving the development are completed and maintained to the approved standard, and are available for use by the occupants, and other users of the development, in the interest of highway safety; to ensure a satisfactory appearance to the highways infrastructure serving the approved development; and the safeguard the visual amenities of the locality and users of the highway.


9.    No development shall be commenced until details of the proposed arrangements for future management and maintenance of the proposed streets within the development have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that the future maintenance of the streets serving the development thereafter, are secured and shall be maintained by the Local Highway Authority under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 or via an established private management and maintenance company.


10.No development shall be commenced until full engineering, drainage, street lightingand constructional details of the streets proposed for adoption have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall, thereafter, be constructed in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interest of highway safety; to ensure a satisfactory appearance to the highways infrastructure serving the development; and to safeguard the visual amenities of the locality and users of the highway.





Supporting documents: