Agenda item


Members gave consideration to a report which assessed the performance of the Council’s services and key projects through agreed performance measures.    Members were asked to review performance and recommend areas where improvements should be made, having regard to any remedial measures already included within the report.


The report summary was structured to highlight those areas that were performing above expectations, those areas where there was a risk to either performance or delivery and those areas where further work was required to either improve the quality of the information provided to Members or where work was already underway to address poor performance.


Areas described as performing well included: Local Land Charges; Development Management (Planning) Customer Services, Trinity Arts Centre and Electronic Service Delivery.


Those areas described as risks included: Enforcement, Gainsborough Markets, Homelessness, Community Grants and Call answering.


Future work was to be undertaken regarding the measurement of customer satisfaction.


Further information was given on each of the above. 


Debate ensued and it was suggested that take up of grants may be slow as it was difficult to find information regarding these on the website.  A Member who sat on a grant funding panel also suggested that the reported position could be a profiling issue as the Funding Panel had met earlier in the week and awarded in excess of £40,000 which was not referenced within the report. Officers undertook to review the location of website information.


It was suggested that it should be investigated whether CCTV recordings should be held longer than 31 days.  Officers indicated that they could speak with Police to see if the retention policy was sufficient, however Members were also reminded that the Authority had to give due regard to data retention legislation.


Members questioned whether the homelessness targets set had been realistic enough in the first instance.  In response Officers advised at the time the target was set this had been considered achievable.  Since that time, nationally the homelessness picture had considerably changed affected by a number of factors including the welfare reform changes, and reduced access to other support services such as mental health and addiction.


Locally, the increase in demand related to an increase in those individuals and families who were finding themselves in difficulty and seeking support from the Council.  There was also a shortage of appropriate accommodation, particularly for young people and large families.  Officers had worked closely with Acis to reduce the length of time between a person being allocated permanent accommodation and actually moving from temporary accommodation, this was helping to alleviate the pressure on temporary accommodation.


Unfortunately the Authority did on occasion have to use Bed and Breakfast establishments as temporary accommodation, this was never the preferred option.  It was stressed that Members would be advised when such establishments had been used, as this was now a performance measure.


Assurance was offered that homelessness prevention was being closely monitored and was a matter due to be considered by the Challenge and Improvement Committee.


Members questioned why the volume of missed calls remained so high.  In response Officers advised that at key times the service had been understaffed, this had now been addressed.  The figure quoted also contained all those calls which went to voicemail and therefore as previously advised Officers were investigating ways to better record performance around this target.  Customer Service Standards were also being developed around voicemail messages and would be monitored, this was a priority for the Authority.


In response to Members questions Officers confirmed 6 days was the average length of time it took to resolve a complaint however acknowledgements/ holding responses were sent sooner.


Members welcomed the much improved position of Food Inspections this period.


On that basis it was:-


RESOLVED that having critically appraised the performance of services and key projects, and having had regard to the remedial measures suggested in the report, and the information provided in response to Member questions, no further formal action be requested at this stage, however the suggestions made throughout the debate be considered.




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