Agenda item


Consideration was given to a report which reviewed the Council’s support to neighbourhood planning groups in helping them to prepare their plans and sought Members’ support to the revised arrangements and approval of the report’s recommendations, prioritising Council assistance including the provision of top-up funding.


The Chief Operating Officer indicated a further inclusion he would wish to see added to the recommendations to ensure the support being offered was consistent with previous reports, namely: -


“Top up funding will only be available to those NP Groups who have exhausted all other forms of grant assistance or assistance in kind and the money is essential to help them complete the statutory stages of their neighbourhood plan. “


This was to ensure the raft of external funds available were maximised thus meaning the Council had enough funds to support parishes across the District.


Councillor England as Member Champion agreed with the content of the risk assessment, however expressed concern with the wording used. 


Referencing section 2.2 of the report Councillor England considered the reason a number of early made plans had not reached their full potential was simply because of how new the legislation and work area was.  He considered three plans would benefit from a review. 


Councillor England wholeheartedly supported the notion of Groups presenting their plan to Full Council in a recognition of the hard work they had undertaken and what they had accomplished, whilst at the same time accepted the view of the Independent Examiner superseded any views the Prosperous Communities Committee may have.


A Member expressed concern regarding recommendation 5 and was concerned that if this was implemented there would not be the appropriate checks and balances in place.  There would be no opportunity for Members to express concern.  Reassurance was offered that delegations in place did not have to be used.  Furthermore, the role of the District Council and the Independent Examiner in Neighbourhood Planning was re-iterated, as was defined in Statute hence this proposed change to streamline the process.


The early addition, as proposed by the Chief Operating Officer on being put to vote was accepted.


On that basis it was:-


RESOLVED that: -


(a)     the revised arrangements for providing Council support to neighbourhood plan groups as outlined in this report be noted and supported


(b)     the Council continues to support all neighbourhood planning groups in the preparation of their plans. The provision of such support is a corporate priority, embraces the requirements and aspirations of the Localism Act, contributes to good planning decision making in the district, and enhances community cohesion. Neighbourhood planning in the district enables local people to take a proactive role in shaping the future of the settlements they live in, and by providing them with support gives the Council a good reputation.


(c)      the level of support provided by the Council to neighbourhood planning groups be made on an individual basis taking into account the needs of that settlement. Priority to be given to those neighbourhood planning groups that are positively planning for growth or facing significant development pressures in their areas.  The Council will also prioritise support to those neighbourhood plans which have reached these key statutory stages: designation; draft publication: submission; examination; referendum; and the making of the plan.


d)      it be agreed, that in its partnership with the Council, Community Lincs support on neighbourhood plans will be directed towards the initial/pre-designation stages of plan preparation where the assistance it has available can be best utilised.  This will be confirmed in an updated version of the service level/partnership agreement. Parish and town councils will be informed that there will be no charge for this support from Community Lincs.


e)       it be RECOMMENDED to Full Council that the decision, currently made by Prosperous Communities, to accept the examiner’s report and hold a referendum on a neighbourhood plan, in future be made through delegated powers given to the Chief Operating Officer. This stage raises few issues and using delegated powers will save time at a critical stage in the neighbourhood plan process when statutory deadlines must be met.


f)       it be agreed that the Members Champion for Neighbourhood Plans and the Neighbourhood Planning Team should meet on a quarterly basis to review the timetable of neighbourhood plans and consider those at planned referendums and forthcoming committees. The Neighbourhood Planning Team should also provide Members with monthly bulletins on neighbourhood plans progress in the District.


g)       it be agreed that for this financial year 2017/18 and 2018/19 the Council, subject to availability, continue to provide ‘top-up’ funding to neighbourhood planning groups and this should be awarded where project costs are essential to the formal adoption of  the neighbourhood plan such as but not limited to:

-      identified gaps in evidence for example towards specialist studies;

-      engaging a planning expert to help produce the submission  document;

-      contribution to undertaking a strategic environmental assessment ;

-      support with collecting and analysing responses from the six week draft plan consultation and deciding how to modify the neighbourhood plan;

-      help with understanding whether the plan is ready for examination (meeting the basic conditions and other legal requirements);

-      provide training in the legal requirements which may be tested at the examination stage; and

-      costs associated with planning and undertaking public engagement and consulting on the plan at submission and referendum stages such as venue hire, publicity materials and printing costs.

-      Top up funding will only be available to those NP Groups who have exhausted all other forms of grant assistance or assistance in kind and the money is essential to help them complete the statutory steps of their neighbourhood plan.


h)     it be agreed that the Council introduce a formal application process to administer claims from neighbourhood planning groups for ‘top-up’ funding. Application forms and guidance notes for ‘top-up’ funding to be made available on the Council’s website and submissions should be dealt with on a first come first served basis. Submissions will be overseen by the Council’s Enterprising Communities team manager responsible for grant applications to the Council. This procedure will ensure that claims for limited ‘top-up’ funds have been scrutinised in a fair and reasonable way as possible.


Note:         Councillor Darcel requested that his vote against the above decision be recorded.

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